

作者: 歸鶴樓主 | 来源:发表于2020-03-04 17:42 被阅读0次

阿布:@海客 K says "When thought realizes it's fragmentary, and it can't perceive the total , it is the insight that is the perception of the total ."

But for me such words are just like a theory , because I know my thought is fragmentary, and I can't perceive the total , but the fact is that I still can't perceive the total .

Or I took K's words the wrong way.

Yes, words always mean concepts or theories first for us, it is really difficult to go beyond and grasp the meaning behind the words, especially when we try to make some efforts to get any understanding.

It is due to our being caught in the superficial concepts and indulged in the fixed patterns of thinking and feeling that we have so much difficulty in going beyond the words. When we struggle to transcend the patterns or try to find any solutions, the very struggle, the effort will strengthen the patterns, acting as a power charger for our mobile phones.

That is the difficulty confronting almost all of us. Fortunately once we see the above fact and understand the operation of the mind as it is, perhaps a kind of inward silence comes passively, and perhaps it is in this subtle silence that a piece of profound meaning behind the words comes into being silently.

@海客  Thanks , Frank .I agree . If we speak the Tao, we do not know the Tao; if we speak the Word, we do not know the Word . Also ,we can't travel beyond the limitations of our mind to perceive the total .And we have no choice but let the divine silence itself spill its secrets. However , have you found that we seem to have created a formula that what K says is absolutely right and we habitually rationalize his words and teachings by drawning a conclusion , like what I did in the first paragraph .(quote similar phrases to identify with him . ) especially when his words is hazy.

Or because we feel that his teachings are so similar with what other masters told us. Also , we have our own ingrained view of the world and believe there exists divine silence and believe our mind is so finite.

I dare to ask whether there is any need to be sceptical of many of his words. And is there any possibility that his words are unreasonable. Or for us average people, his words are just mission impossible.

I know it's an awkward or silly question. Just a thought and feel free to laugh it off.

if we have created any formula, pattern, conclusion of K’s teaching, that would be our mistake, not K’s, obviously. K spared no energy to tell us to free from any patterns of thinking and feeling, it is we who are so eager to find ready-made answers from his teaching and cling to the so-called answers in order to have a sense of certainty and safety.

When we begin to quote some so-called masters or sacred books to persuade somebody, to confirm our understanding by comparison, our direct understanding ceases immediately, because we rely on them to increase our importance, or we want to fit our new understanding into a old pattern, which will kill the understanding absolutely. In that case, we do not read K for real understanding, but merely to prove, confirm our patterns, our ingrained views, using K’s teaching.

I agree with you definitely that we should be skeptical of K’s words. Actually K never gave us any conclusion to believe in or refute,  he just worked together with the audience to find the truth of the problems, and in the process the audience had an opportunity to observe themselves inwardly.





@海客 I always feel something is wrong with my way of thinking , when I read K's teachings , but I can't figure it out . It seems that you point it out today . I find I have many ingrained conclusions . But up to now , I still have faith in them .

Anyway if we want to get better self knowledge, we need a bright teacher to point out our blind zone . Right?

We all have many bright teachers around us, anything touching our hearts or giving a heavy strike to our hearts is our teachers, unfortunately we always ignore them.

To express in a different aspect, any suffering is an indicator of our inward ingrained patterns which brings our life into mess, in this sense all sufferings is our bright teachers. But if we neglect these alarms and search for bright teachers from outside, I am afraid that all bright teachings of the life will be shadowed accordingly.



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