- 如何解决“Waiting for another flutter
- 如何解决“Waiting for another flutter
- Waiting for another flutter comm
- Waiting for another flutter comm
- Waiting for another flutter comm
- Waiting for another flutter comm
- Waiting for another flutter comm
- Waiting for another flutter comm
- Waiting for another flutter comm
- Waiting for another flutter comm
当执行flutter run命令之后,会一直卡在Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock;可能是资源加载出错导致的,
- 你需要找到你的flutter Sdk的安装目录下的bin/cache/lockfile删除;
- 可能会提示正在dart.exe正在使用不能删除,你需要打开任务管理器结束dart.exe的进程,然后在删除即可;
- 然后关闭vscode或者Android studio,
- 重启电脑,