【M实事摘要Newsletter】 2018-01-05 #1

【M实事摘要Newsletter】 2018-01-05 #1

作者: MurphyWan | 来源:发表于2018-01-05 08:34 被阅读14次

欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

1-1 US Autonomous-Car Startup Signs Deal With VW And Hyundai

At that level, vehicles will be able not only to steer, accelerate and brake at all times, but also to respond to some conditions even if a driver does not. Level 4 is one step below full automation. ...

1-2 Volkswagen and Hyundai get serious about self-driving car tech

Hyundai said it will use the Aurora technology in a fuel cell SUV, which it believes is best suited for autonomous driving, given the vehicle's driving range. ...

2 Toyota tries to make its most advanced autonomous car look slightly normal

Toyota is bringing a sleek prototypical autonomous vehicle to this year's 2018 CES tech conference. But the car certainly won't be driving itself there. Similar to many automotive showings at CES, this vehicle, which the Toyota Research Institute calls the "Platform 3.0," is not yet consumer-ready.

3 人工智能入十大“高精尖”发展产业

驭势科技将在国内首先实现以无人驾驶为核心的未来交通系统,为出行、物流及相关垂直领域提供高智能、高可靠、低成本、系统化的无人驾驶解决方案。 升哲科技已将物联网技术成功应用于物联网消防领域,形成了一套早期预警、报警及时、准确定位的完整消防预警系统。 ...

4 Workhorse最新获批准的载客无人机可在CES上进行首次试飞

据外媒New Atlas最新消息,SureFly双座无人驾驶直升机已获得官方批准,将于下周在拉斯维加斯举行的消费电子展(CES)上进行首次试飞。Workhorse目前还在研发其他车辆,如电动皮卡车,从车顶发射无人机的货车,以及与国际物流巨头UPS一起开发的货车。其SureFly飞机中使用的 ...

5 发改委重大工程项目公布:机器人年销量不低于10万台,首个无人车路测试点落户亦庄

今年12月18日,北京已经出台了首份无人车路测指导文件,但更详细细节还未公布。 据北京市交通委员会科技处调研员邹迎透露,百度、滴滴、京东等公司都有申请无人驾驶车上路测试的意向,车型包括货车、汽车,但目前还没有公司正式提出申请。 此外,北京市目前不考虑个人提交申请无人驾驶的上路测试。

6 Tech-packed Byton autonomous car to debut at CES 2018

New Atlas
It may look like the latest SUV, but the first vehicle from automotive startup Byton is more an SIV, i.e. "Smart Intuitive Vehicle." Hopefully that acronym and description experience quick deaths, while the startup's vision for smart, connected mobility evolves into reality. That vision, which will be made fully ...

7 Competing with the Giants in Race to Build Self-Driving Cars

New York Times
The company's methods are part of a change sweeping across the world of self-driving cars: a kind of so-called machine learning technology that promises a chance for little companies like Aurora to compete with the giants of both the tech and automotive industries. With it, researchers can build and ...

8 Alexa, how does the US lead in military AI?

Federal Times
The economic dangers of AI appear to be a primary concern for the authors of the National Security Strategy. That document specifically calls out China for challenging American technological superiority with its investments into AI – as well as its stealing of U.S. intellectual property in that area.

9 AI Can Work Out A Neighborhood's Political Beliefs Using Google Street View

【M一句话点评:用Deep learning+Google Street View来推测政治选举偏好。蛮有意思的应用。】
Artificial intelligence (AI) can obtain unbelievably accurate insights into a neighborhood's inhabitants – from their income and level of education to their ethnic background and political beliefs – just by looking at images from Google Street View. If, for example, you wanted to see whether an area voted ...

北京时间18/01/05 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】



    本文标题:【M实事摘要Newsletter】 2018-01-05 #1
