

作者: 彤明妈 | 来源:发表于2017-10-04 07:47 被阅读0次
Your True Home Day 19

Flowers and Garbage

FLOWERS AND GARBAGE are both organic in nature. So looking deeply into the nature of a flower, you can see the presence of the compost and the garbage. The flower is also going to turn into garbage, but don’t be afraid! You are a gardener, and you have in your hands the power to transform garbage into flowers, into fruit, into vegetables. You don’t throw anything away, because you are not afraid of garbage. Your hands are capable of transforming it into flowers, or lettuce, or cucumbers.

The same thing is true of your happiness and your sorrow. Sorrow, fear, and depression are all a kind of garbage. These bits of garbage are part of real life, and we must look deeply into their nature. You can practice in order to turn these bits of garbage into flowers. It is not only your love that is organic; your hate is, too. So you should not throw anything out. All you have to do is learn how to transform your garbage into flowers.

19 鲜花与垃圾



Your True Home Day 20  A Visit from a Friend

SUPPOSE A FRIEND who has come a long way to visit is having a cup of tea with us. Mindfulness helps the time we spend with her to be a time we won’t forget. We’re not thinking of anything. We’re not thinking of our business, our projects. We just focus our attention on this moment when we’re with our friend. We’re fully aware that she is there and that we can sit with her and enjoy a cup of tea. Mindfulness helps us to taste the joy of each moment very deeply.

20 来自朋友的拜访



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