
作者: 威廉绵羊 | 来源:发表于2019-12-25 14:30 被阅读0次

[if !supportLists]A.     [endif]Folk


Psychicsare no enemies of tired cliche. Many readings are littered with thatcombination of an appeal to common experience and boundless optimism whichpasses for folk-wisdom. Here are half a dozen examples:

"Afterthis past year, it's not surprising you need a break. Let's face it, we allneed a little breathing space now and again to re-charge our batteries."

"Whilesuccess is assured, you may need to be patient. Never forget that the longestjourney starts with a single step / Rome wasn't built in a day."

"Weall need to talk things over with a friend from time to time, and it's as truenow as it ever was - two heads really are better than one."

"Thischallenge might look a little daunting, but then again it's surprising what youcan do when you put your mind to it, isn't it?"

"Themain thing is not to worry. Let's be honest, these things often have a way ofcoming right in the end, and then you look back and you think well, what wasall the worry about?"

"There'squite definitely light at the end of the tunnel. As the old saying has it, thesky is always darkest just before the dawn."

Thisis not a particularly useful or productive element, but it is an elementnonetheless, and can be useful for padding out a reading, or bringing onesection to a neat coda before moving on to something else.


element ties in with a Presentational Point called 'Keeping it folksy' which we

will come to later.


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