topic: influence
(emotional intelligence/manipulation/social skills)
how to use influence for good
influence relies heavily on charisma (个人魅力)
charisma is not a magical gift that is bestowed upon you, it is a skill you can build over time with the personality traits you have got.
influence factors
confidence: makes you seem more relaxed and capable in high-pressure situations
Capable person are not always confident.
impostor syndrome (冒牌者症候群)
avoid 'maybe'/'i think'/'in my opinion'...
power posing
praise: you deserve to be recognized for your achievements and there are ways to make yourself shine(是金子总会发光).
intrinsic motivators (内在动机)
optimism:positive attitude
learn from mistakes in the past (回顾过去)
find things to appreciate in the present(欣赏现在)
look forward to future opportunities(期待未来)
how to build your charisma
honesty and respectfind common ground
remember the name of your colleague
mutual pettiness (微小的互动) can bring people together
appearance also matters
well-manicured look
high-end watch
your actions, attitude, and appearance can affect how others see you, so take time to think about the way you're being perceived by others, and use your charisma influence correctly.