
作者: 魔王哪吒 | 来源:发表于2018-04-23 22:17 被阅读33次


    大家好,我是 Vic,今天给大家带来讲解SQL数据库语句的概述,希望你们喜欢


    create database teach;
    use teach;
    create table `teach`.`producttype`( `pt_id` int not null auto_increment primary key, `pt_name' varchar(20) not null unique);
    create table `teach`.`client`(`cl_id` char(4) not null primary key, `cl_name` varchar(20) not null, `cl_type` char(6) not null, `cl_guimo` char(2) not null, `cl_tel` varchar(15) not null, `cl_duanjiao` bit(2) not null);
    create table if not exists product (pr_id int auto_increment primary key not null);
    alter table product add pr_typeid int not null;
    desc product;
    insert into client(cl_id,cl_name,cl_type,cl_guimo,cl_tel,cl_duanjiao) values (1,'vic','hh','xiao',34455);
    create table `teach`.`orders`( `or_id` int not null auto_increment primary key, `cl_id` char(4) not null, `pr_id` char(4) not null, `or_price` int not null, `or_num` int not null, `or_date` datetime not null);
    select * from producttype;
    update producttype set pt_name='休闲食品' where pt_id=2;
    delete from producttype where pt_id=4;
    select cl_id,cl_name,cl_guimo from client where cl_guimo = '大'|| '小';
    select * from orders where or_date = 2010;
    select cl_id '编号' ,cl_name '姓名' from client order by cl_id desc;
    select * from client where cl_name like '%c';
    select pr_num from product group by pr_typeid;
    select pr_id,or_num from orders where or_num > 2 group by pr_id;
    select * from orders group by cl_id;
    select * from client where cl_duanjiao = 1 && cl_guimo = '小' group by cl_id order by cl_id desc;
    select or_id,cl_name,pr_name,or_price,or_num,or_date from client crass join orders join product;
    select * from product crass join producttype join orders where producttype = '食品';
    use information_schema;
    show tables;
    desc tables;
    select table_name from tables;
    create database teach;
    use teach;
    create table if not exists characters(id int auto_increment primary key,name varchar(20) not null, description text);
    create table if not exists access(id int auto_increment primary key,name varchar(2) not null, description text);
    create table if not exists c_a(cid int not null,aid int not null, primary key (cid, aid),foreign key(cid) references characters(id),foreign key (aid) references access(id));
    alter table c_a drop foreign key c_a_ibfk_1;
    create table if not exists c_b(cid int not null references characters(id),aid int not null,primary key(cid, aid),foreign key(aid) references access(id));
    alter table accesses add username varchar(20) not null;
    alter table accesses modify mame varchar(30) not null;
    alter table characters drop mane;
    alter table accesses modify description varchar(50);  // 修改
    rename table acc to accesses;
    alter table accesses rename acc;
    create table if not exists characters(id int auto_increment primary key, name varchar(20) not null, description text);
    create table if not exists access (id int auto_increment primary key, name varchar(2) not null, description text);
    create table if not exists  c_a(cid int not null  , aid int not null , primary key(cid, aid), foreign key(cid) references characters(id) , foreign key(aid) references access(id) ) ;
    create table if not exists  c_b(cid int not null oreign key(cid) references characters(id) , aid int not null , primary key(cid, aid), foreign key(aid) references access(id) ) ;
    alter table access modify description varchar(50);
    select a.id ,a.name from characters a;
    create table if not exists employess(id int auto_increment primary key, first_name varchar(10) not null,last_name varchar(20),salary float);
    insert into employees (first_name,last_name,salary)values('junx','zheng',1000),('ting','xue',1300);
    select last_name,salary,salary*12 sum from employees;
    //select last_name || job_id from employees;
    select last_name 'fname' from employees; //创建名
    insert into employees(first_name, last_name, salary)values('wang','guang',1000);
    select distinct salary , id from employees;
    insert into employees value (4,'ting','cue',1300);
    select distinct first_name, last_name, salary from employees;
    select * from employees where salary > 1200;
    select * from employess first_name like '%j%';
    select * from employess where salary in (1200,100);
    select * from employess where salary is null;
    select lower('aBx');
    select upper('polill');
    select length('lojol');
    select char_length('lsjlf');
    select replace('zzjjjp','zj','hello');
    select substring('zjxx',2,6);
    select curdate();
    select curtime();
    select now();
    select minute('15:34:21');
    select monthname('2017-4-1');
    select date_format('2009-10-04 22:23:00','%w %m %y');
    select database();
    select user();
    select version();
    select inet_aton('');
    select password('adlfllsf');
    SELECT * FROM pet WHERE name LIKE 'b%';
    SELECT * FROM pet WHERE name REGEXP '^b';
    select * from pet where name regexp binary '^b';
    select * from pet where name regexp 'fy$';
    SELECT * FROM pet WHERE name REGEXP 'w';
    SELECT * FROM pet WHERE name REGEXP '^.....$';
    SELECT * FROM pet WHERE name REGEXP '^.{5}$';
    SELECT * FROM shop;
    SELECT MAX(article) AS article FROM shop;
    SELECT article, dealer, price
    FROM   shop
    WHERE  price=(SELECT MAX(price) FROM shop);
    SELECT article, dealer, price
    FROM shop
    ORDER BY price DESC
    LIMIT 1;
    SELECT article, MAX(price) AS price
    FROM   shop
    GROUP BY article;
    (1)select s#(学号),SName(学生名字) from S where Age < 17 and sex='女生';
    (2)select C.C#(课程号),Cname(课程名) from S,SC,C where S.S#=SC.S# and SC.C#=C.C# and sex='男生';
    (3)select T.T#,TName from S,SC,C,T where S.S#=SC.S# and SC.C#=C.C#
    and C.T#=T.T# and sex='男生';
    (4)select S# from SC group by S# having count(*)>1;
    (5)select distinct X.C# from SC as X, SC as Y where X.S#='S2' and Y.S#='S4' and X.C#=Y.C#;
    (6)select C# from C where C# not in(select C# from S,SC where S.S#=SC.S# and SName='wang');
    (7)select C#,Cname from C where not exists (select * from S where not exists(select * from SC where C.C#=SC.C# and SC.S#=S.S#));
    (8)select distinct S# from SC as X where not exists (select * from C,T where C.T#=T.T# and TName='liu' and not exists (select * from SC as Y where Y.S#=X.S# and Y.C#=C.C#));
    (9)select count(distinct C#) from SC;
    (10)select avg(age) from S where sex='女生' and S# in(select S# from SC where C#='C4');
    教师关系 T(T#,TName, Title)工号,名字,职称
    课程关系 C(C#,Cname,T#)课程号,课程名,任课老师工号
    选课关系 SC(S#,c#,Score)
     Select s#,sname from S where age<17 and sex=’f’;
     Select c#, cname from c where c# in (select distinct b.c# from s a inner join sc b on a.s#=b.s# where a.sex=’m’);
      Select T.T#, T.Tname from T inner join C on T.T#=C.T# where C.C# in (select distinct b.c# from s a inner join sc b on a.s#=b.s# where a.sex=’m’);
    Select s# from sc  group by s# having count()>=2;
    检索至少有学号为 S2和S4的学生选修的课程的课程号
       Select c# from sc where c# in (select c# from sc where s#=’s4’)  and c# in (select c# from sc where s#=’s2’);
    select distinct c# from sc where c# not in (select c# from s inner join sc on s.s#=sc.s# where s.sname=’wang’);
         Select c# from sc group by c# having count()=(Select count() from s);
     select distinct sc.s# from T inner join c inner join sc on T.T#=c.T# and c.c#=sc.c# where T.Tname=’liu’;
    Select count() from c where c# in (select distinct c# from sc);
    Select avg(age) from s where sex=’f’ and s# in (select s# from sc where c#=’c4’);
    Select avg(score) from sc where c# in (select c# from c inner join t on c.t#=t.t# where t.name=’liu’);
    Select  c#, count()  number from sc group by c# having count()>=10 order by number desc, c# asc;
     Select sname from s  where s#>(select s# from s where sname=’wang’) and age<(select age from s where sname=’wang’);
    (14)检索姓名以 L开头的所有学生的学号和课程号
     Select s.sname, sc.c# from s inner join sc on s.s#=sc.s# where s.sname like ‘L%’;
    Select sname,age from s where sex=’m’ and age>(select avg(age) from s where sex=’f’);
    DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR FOR select_statement
    OPEN cursor_name
    FETCH cursor_name INTO var_name [, var_name] ...
    CLOSE cursor_name




    create database teach;
    use teach;
    CREATE TABLE `teach`.`producttype` ( `pt_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT  primary key, `pt_name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL unique );
    CREATE TABLE `teach`.`client` ( `cl_id` CHAR(4) NOT NULL primary key, `cl_name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , `cl_type` CHAR(6) NOT NULL , `cl_guimo` CHAR(2) NOT NULL , `cl_tel` VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL , `cl_duanjiao` BIT(2) NOT NULL );
    create table if not exists product(pr_id int auto_increment primary key not null);
    alter table product add pr_typeid int not null;
    desc product;
    insert into client(cl_id,cl_name,cl_type,cl_guimo,cl_tel,cl_duanjiao)values(1,'小 明','经销商','大',88810615,0);
    insert into client(cl_id,cl_name,cl_type,cl_guimo,cl_tel,cl_duanjiao)values(2,'小 红','经销商','中',88815615,0);
    insert into client(cl_id,cl_name,cl_type,cl_guimo,cl_tel,cl_duanjiao)values(3,'小 微','零售商','小',88825615,0);
    CREATE TABLE `teach`.`orders` ( `or_id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT primary key, `cl_id` CHAR(4) NOT NULL , `pr_id` CHAR(4) NOT NULL , `or_price` INT NOT NULL , `or_num` INT NOT NULL , `or_date` DATETIME NOT NULL );
    insert into producttype(pt_id,pt_name)values(1,'洗里理日用品'),(2,'食品'),(3,'家用电器'),(4,'肉食');
    select * from producttype;
    update producttype set pt_name='休闲食品' where pt_id=2;
    delete from producttype where pt_id=4;
    (1)select cl_id,cl_name,cl_guimo from client where cl_guimo = '大'|| '小';
    (2) select * from orders where or_date = 2010;
    (3) select cl_id '编号' ,cl_name '姓名' from client order by cl_id desc;
    (4) select pr_typeid from product;
         select distinct pr_typeid from product;
    (5) select * from client where cl_name like '%c';
    (1) select pr_num from product group by pr_typeid;
    (2) select pr_id,or_num from orders where or_num > 2 group by pr_id;
    (3)select * from orders group by cl_id;
    (1)  select * from client where cl_duanjiao = 1 && cl_guimo = '小' group by cl_id order by cl_id desc;
    (2)  select or_id,cl_name,pr_name,or_price,or_num,or_date from client crass join orders join product;
    (3)  select * from product crass join producttype join orders where producttype = '食品';


    • 实体完整性:对主码进行限制
    • 参照完整性:对外码进行限制
    • 用户定义完整性 :对具体数据进行限制

    函数依赖: R(X,Y)

    (1)完全函数依赖:(学号、课程号) →f 成绩
    (2)部分函数依赖 :(学号、课程号) →p 姓名
    (3)传递函数依赖 :学号→所属系号,所属系号→宿舍楼号,学号→t宿舍楼号
















    master 系统信息数据库
    model 模板信息数据库
    msdb 代理信息数据库
    tempdb 临时信息数据库
    resource 资源信息数据库














    • 本文讲了讲解SQL数据库语句,如果您还有更好地理解,欢迎沟通
    • 定位:分享 Android&Java知识点,有兴趣可以继续关注



