

作者: Jiaqing_2805 | 来源:发表于2018-12-03 18:57 被阅读0次


    At one apple tree have one sparrow, this sparrow’s name was Cici, Her has one big dream was being one actor! Cici tell her mom:” Mom I want to be a actor!” But her mom said:”You cannot be a actor!” Cici don’t know why I can not be actor, so she ask:” Mom why I can not be one actor?” mom just say:” you are not suitable.” Cici was so sad, but she has a new idea for how to  being one actor and her think her mom also will let her being one actor!

      This idea was great!Why? Because Cici want go to “Best Sparrow Actor school” This school was best actor school at Sparrow world!(Sparrow world mean Where the sparrows live,like just one world

    For the sparrow.)

      When Cici ready go to the University that night, she tell her mom:” Mom I am never change my dream, because I want being one actor!” Her mom want say something, but Cici just said:” Mom you don’t need say anything, I already said I want being one actor, so I will being never change my

    dream, cause I want being one actor dream already 6 years! I will never change!you know it! I need to go! Bye.” Cici’s mom was very sad because Cici is first time don’t listen her mom.

      So Cici get on the “Best Sparrow actor school” bus. Cici don’t know why I am sad, Cici think she should be happy. When Cici is think, Have one sparrow coming said:” Hello my name is Lisa! Why you are sad, can we be a friend?” Cici said:” YES! We can be a friend, I am not happy because I think i make my mom sad.” Lisa said:” It ok,eh...What your name?” and Cici said:”Oh sorry my name is Cici.” They guys set together talk about the school. One hours later! Lisa said:” Wake up!Cici, we are here!”

    “ Ok, Just one minute.”

    “ I can not wait for you, come on, you are not exciting?”

    “ Oh! We are here? Sorry some time I will like that! Let go!”

      They looking the school, Cici tell Lisa:” Woo… This school is very big! Did this is dream. Oh Lisa please hit face thank you!”

    Lisa say Ok. Lisa really hit Cici’s face, and Cici shouted:” Oh! Will Lisa you are so… Oh!” Lisa said:” OH MY GOSH, I am so sorry Cici,My strength is a bit big. I am very sorry!”

      Cici with her friends together learn how to being one actor. When she graduation that day night Cici’s mom was sick, her dad send email to Cici, Cici just tell her dad, just sick I don’t care! Her dad think why cici will say that! Because Cici have one bad friend: Lisa!

      Why Lisa come to this school, because this school have so many people, but Lisa is not want being one actor her just want make one person be bad! Because Cici in school like talking with Lisa.



