
作者: 青漾 | 来源:发表于2019-07-07 21:31 被阅读0次

明明是小暑 火炉南昌偏偏在今天少了点热气。天淅淅沥沥下了点小雨。晚上在图书馆门口背词的时候竟然还觉得有点冷。



  • 协议条约 与xx一致
  • 缺乏 缺少
  • wretched
  • clip
  • 理论
  • proficiency
  • bulletin
  • scrap
  • courtesy
  • alongside
  • seldom
  • isoloted
  • versatile
  • consummate
  • compelling
  • floppy
  • diminutive
  • protagonist
  • convey
  • intuitively
  • animation


  • she is still pressing her claim for compensation. press her claim for claim
  • motorist have been been warned to beware of icy roads have been warned to beware of
  • It was a wonderful occasion which I will cherish for many years to come
  • The disagreement among the
  • stepped on
  • run out
  • drove away
  • her persistence finally paid off with an award for
  • resove to
  • freely admitted


Why Woody isn't wooden

This summer, one of the most versatile(多才多艺) performers working today returns to the screen. Over the past 24 years, he has proved himself a consummate(完美的) comedian, a fearless action hero and a compelling(令人信服的) leading man.

He's Sheriff Woody, the floppy(松软的), knock-kneed, pull-string doll with the voice of Tom Hanks.

Since "Toy Story" began, Woody, the diminutive(微小的) protagonist(主角), has delivered what are, by any measure, delightful and engaging performances. Behind them are the combined efforts of scores of animators(动画) — around 100 on "Toy Story 4" alone.

"It's the ability to really convey(传达) the interior world of thoughts and feelings of a character through movement, " said Peter Docter, a central figure at Pixar since "Toy Story" and now the studio's chief creative officer(首席创意官).

A live-action performance occurs, often intuitively(直觉), in the moment, while animation can look more like the work of technicians than thespians(演员). Laboring in dimly lit rooms on the Pixar campus in Emeryville, California, animators spend a lot of time staring at computer monitors. With Woody as something like their high-tech onscreen marionette, they painstakingly contrive one pose, one movement and one facial expression at a time — frame by frame, scene by scene — until he begins to resemble a living, breathing character.

Hanks himself freely admitted that there's more to Woody than his voice and line readings. "The team has poured the better part of three years of their lives into it, " he said. "There's so much work that I had absolutely nothing to do with."


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