作者: 小二郎_Ejun | 来源:发表于2020-06-12 16:34 被阅读0次

    select * from sl_project where corpid='2' and name='qweererererr'; select distinct corpid,item_coding from sl_project;where 子句中的运算符 =,<>不等于,>,<,>=,<=,between and在某个范围内,like模糊搜搜,in指定针对某个列的多个可能值逻辑运算的优先级 () not and or空值判断: is null
    select * from sl_project where id between 1 and 5;
    select * from sl_project where id in (1,3,4);
    select * from sl_project where name like '%qwee%';
    %表示多个字值, 下划线表示一个字符

    select * from sl_project where name like '%ww__';
    select * from sl_project where corpid='2' and item_coding like '%P%';

    ################ ORDER BY ################

    ORDER BY 关键字用于对结果集按照一个列或者多个列进行排序。如果需要降序记录进行排序DESC|ASC
    select column_name, column_name from table_name order by column_name,column_name ASC | DESC;
    order by A desc,B   这个时候 A 降序,B 升序排列

    select * from sl_project order by id desc limit 10;

    insert into table_name values (column1,column2,column3,...) values (value1,value2,value3,...);
    insert into table_name values (value1, value2, value3, ...);
    insert into sl_project_check select *from sl_project where item_coding = '1111111';
    --也是插入一行,要求表scorebak 不存在
    select *  into scorebak from score  where neza='neza'
    ##-- update 语句用于更新表中已存在的记录。
    update table_name sel column=value,column2=values,... where some_column = some_value;

    update sl_project set name='我是小二郎呀' where id = '15663';
    select * from sl_project order by id desc limit 10;

    delete 语句用于删除表中的行
    <***!>WHERE 子句规定哪条记录或者哪些记录需要删除。如果您省略了 WHERE 子句,所有的记录都将被删除!
    delete from table_name where some_column = some_value;

    select *from sl_project_check; delete from sl_project_check where name='323'; select * from sl_project_check where name='1' order by create_time asc ;

    select top 语句用于规定要返回的记录的数目,对于拥有数千条记录的大型表来说,非常有用的。
    select top number|percent column_name(s) from table_name;
    select top number|percent column_name(s) from table_name;
    MySql 语法
    select column_name (s) from table_name limit number;
    eg: select * from person limit 5;
    select column_name(s) from table_name where rownum <= number;
    eg: select * from person where rownum <= 5;

    select * from sl_project_check limit 2;//选取前2条数据

    select top 10 percent *from sl_project_check;

    select * from sl_project limit 10;//取前10条数据

    select * from sl_project order by id desc limit 10;//取后10条

        [charlist]   字符列中的任何单一字符
        [^charlist]或[!charlist]   不在字符列中的任何单一字符
    mysql使用regexp 或 not regexp运算符(或rlike和 not rlike)来操作正则表达式

    select * from sl_project_check where name like '%1%';
    select * from sl_project where name regexp '^[g]';//选取以g开始的所有项目名称
    select * from sl_project where name regexp '^[a-c]';//选取以a-c字母开头的项目名称
    select * from sl_project where name regexp '[a-y]';//选取 name 不以 A 到 H 字母开头的项目
    select * from sl_project where name = '小二郎';

    in 操作符
    in 操作符允许您在where子句中规定多个值
    select column_name(s) from table_name where column_name in (value,value,...);

    select * from sl_project where name in ('AAA','CEMS');
    SELECT *FROM sl_project WHERE id between 1 and 5;

    not between 操作符实例 不在范围内的项目

    select * from sl_project where id not between 1 and 100;

    带有in的between 操作符实例
    select * from table_name where (id between 1 and 10) and name not in ('','');

    select * from sl_project where (id between 1 and 5) and name not in ('百度项目','用友政务项目');
    select * from sl_project where (id between 1 and 10) and name not like '%R%';

    select * from group__field_groups where entity_id = 28;//查询项目分组信息
    select group_content_field_data.id,
    from group_content_field_data
    LEFT JOIN group_content__field_nickname on group_content__field_nickname.entity_id=group_content_field_data.id
    LEFT JOIN group_content__field_group on group_content__field_nickname.entity_id=group_content__field_group.entity_id
    LEFT JOIN group__field_groups on group__field_groups.entity_id=28
    where gid = 28;//获取项目的所有人员

    SELECT group__field_groups.delta,
    FROM group__field_groups
    left JOIN group_content_field_data on group__field_groups.entity_id = group_content_field_data.gid;

    -- SELECT group__field_groups.delta,group__field_groups.field_groups_value FROM group__field_groups UNION SELECT group_content_field_data.id FROM group_content_field_data;

    -- SELECT group_content_field_data.id FROM group_content_field_data 项目ID
    -- UNION SELECT group_content__field_nickname.group_content__field_nickname FROM group_content__field_nickname //人物姓名
    -- UNION SELECT group_content__field_avatar.field_avatar_uri //人物头像
    -- UNION SELECT group_content__field_group.field_group_value FROM group_content__field_group; //所在分组

    -- 查询某个字段在表中出现的次数

    -- group by,即以其中一个字段的值来分组
    -- select 的字段只能是分组的字段类别以及使l聚合函数如,max(),min(),count()的字段。
    -- where在前,group by在后,注意group by紧跟在where最后一个限制条件后面,不能被夹在where限制条件之间。
    -- where在前,group by在后的原因:要先用where过滤掉不进行分组的数据,然后在对剩下满足条件的数据进行分组。
    -- having是在分好组后找出特定的分组,通常是以筛选聚合函数的结果,如sum(a) > 100等,且having必须在group by 后面,
    -- 使用了having必须使用group by,但是使用group by 不一定使用having。
    SELECT lesson_id,COUNT(lesson_id) as count FROM sl_lesson_order GROUP BY lesson_id ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 0,5



