22.03 - Starting point

22.03 - Starting point

作者: 快樂很簡單 | 来源:发表于2018-03-23 02:41 被阅读10次


    Has been wanted to start to write blog for so long. However, every time the desire is being suppress because of dozens of assignments and never end to do list.

    Recently found that, everyday in my life is so different and special until I feel that if I am not writing it down, it will be such a big waste for me. This is because I believe, memories will not last forever, but the words last forever.


    Today is the first day of writing, I will be describing what happened today.

    Morning I woke up late to the class again, and I only manage to catch the 1/3 of the class, which is about 15mins.

    Afterwards I mingle around with Malays friend and this is my first time realise that they are cute in fignting verbally.

    Moving on to FSC class, as expected, I slept and not really focus. Next time I will talk about FSC in a separate post because that’s too much to share, hahahha!

    After FSC, here comes the biostat proposal presentation in which I put 60% of effort in completing it only. ( slap!) As expected, we being scold by Dr. Gan in various aspect of improvement. I know that FYP isn’t something that can play2, but I realise I seriously no time to learn properlyyy :(

    Then moving to tonight’s LCM, very high energy in square dance and the CF intro is quite interesting as well.

    22.03 - Starting point

    Nah, this is the picture! <3

    After LCM I joined CM with PD, it drag until 12am only finish!! Fuck!

    And yup, had a intense discussion with mindful and hope things getting better tomorrow. ( having a strong desire to write a long essay but yeah, it’s 2:40am right now....)

    So, good night world.



          本文标题:22.03 - Starting point
