iOS 中的后台任务UIBackgroundTaskIdenti

iOS 中的后台任务UIBackgroundTaskIdenti

作者: MiniCoder | 来源:发表于2020-04-25 11:49 被阅读0次


    This method requests additional background execution time for your app. Call this method when leaving a task unfinished might be detrimental to your app’s user experience. For example, call this method before writing data to a file to prevent the system from suspending your app while the operation is in progress. Do not use this method simply to keep your app running after it moves to the background.
    Call this method as early as possible before starting your task, and preferably before your app actually enters the background. The method requests the task assertion for your app asynchronously. If you call this method shortly before your app is due to be suspended, there is a chance that the system might suspend your app before that task assertion is granted. For example, do not call this method at the end of your applicationDidEnterBackground: method and expect your app to continue running. If the system is unable to grant the task assertion, it calls your expiration handler.
    Each call to this method must be balanced by a matching call to the endBackgroundTask: method. Apps running background tasks have a finite amount of time in which to run them. (You can find out how much time is available using the backgroundTimeRemaining property.) If you do not call endBackgroundTask: for each task before time expires, the system kills the app. If you provide a block object in the handler parameter, the system calls your handler before time expires to give you a chance to end the task.
    You can call this method at any point in your app’s execution. You may also call this method multiple times to mark the beginning of several background tasks that run in parallel. However, each task must be ended separately. You identify a given task using the value returned by this method.
    To assist with debugging, this method generates a name for the task that is based on the name of the calling method or function. If you want to specify a custom name, use the beginBackgroundTaskWithName:expirationHandler: method instead.
    This method can be safely called on a non-main thread. To extend the execution time of an app extension, use the performExpiringActivityWithReason:usingBlock: method of NSProcessInfo instead.
    Use BGProcessingTask for discretionary background processing tasks that require longer periods of time.
    --- 翻译 --------
    可以在非主线程上安全地调用此方法。要延长应用程序扩展的执行时间,请使用performExpiringActivityWithReason:usingBlock: method of NSProcessInfo来代替。

    -(UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier)beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:(void(^ __nullable)(void))handler  API_AVAILABLE(ios(4.0)) NS_REQUIRES_SUPER;


    You must call this method to end a task that was started using the beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: method. If you do not, the system may kill your app

    • ----- 翻译 -------



    This method can be safely called on a non-main thread.

    - (void)endBackgroundTask:(UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier)identifier;



          本文标题:iOS 中的后台任务UIBackgroundTaskIdenti
