展期 Duration : 2018.08.25-09.16
开幕 Opening : 2018.08.25 16:00
地点 Venue : 索卡艺术·北京
艳阳高照 The Sun Rides High In The Sky
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
阴招 Insidious Tricks
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
光天化日 In Broad Daylight
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
伯乐和马 Bole ( A Good Judge of Talents ) and Horse
水彩 Watercolor
果实 Fruit
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
策展人 邓彬彬
In Broad Daylight
From his first solo exhibition “Passion Strong Like Liquor” curated by Li Xiantingin 2008 to the present solo exhibition “In Broad Daylight”, over the pastdecade, Wu Li, the formerly youngest artist in Songzhuang, became a father. Allof the individual heroism manifested in “The Smoke of War” in addition to theyouth’s muddy body in the “Breaking Through the Soil” have been dissipated andrevitalized by the recurring vigorous fruits, breeds and other living creaturesin the “Bright and Shining Sun”. However, beauty usually comes along with atouch of defect, in his recent works there is a kind of evilness, which isimplied through a glimpse of the titles such as “Deceitful Tactics”, “DistortedMan”, and “In Broad Daylight”. Consequently, unlike his maturing days full ofintrospection, retrospection and depictions of the originality of nature andlife, Wu Li has started to concentrate on the external world, such an ideaoriginates from his attention to the aged and newborns which simply suggest thetwo ends of life. In the work with a same title of the exhibition namely “InBroad Daylight”, the artist integrated the two aspects of life, however, such anintegration happened to be roughly depicted as Wu Li had assumed. Specifically,the wilderness was illuminated as bright as gold by the strong ultravioletrays, the blue sky deepened its singular profundity, the aged looked as hideousas a demon and cruelly tried to strangle the infant who helplessly opened thearms, as a result, the infant’s body turned over and seemed to be wrapped bythe crimson background in the picture. In the foreground, a lone, ordinaryplant also cannot hide its eagerness to attack the infant in a furious manner.In such a broad daylight, the newly-born infant was doomed in the public eye.All of this manifestly reminds us of a series of disappointing incidents, suchas the poisonous milk power, the RYB kindergarten abuse, and the recent vaccinescandal.
光 Light
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
扭曲的人 A Twisted Man
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
The growth of GDP, utterly, cannot disguisethe decline of morality, just like artists’ application of new materials andnew approaches, as a result of the advancement of technology, cannot cover upthe absence of artists’ creativity. The sci-fi movies and video games aregetting rather fascinating and appealing, however , paintings are deadly dull oncebeing detached from the artists’ craftsmanship. Apart from concepts,techniques, and forms, the prominence of paintings lies in the expression ofemotions and feelings, the humanistic and spiritual qualities cannot be easilyreplaced either by machines nor tricks. At an art fair or an exhibition ofcontemporary art, how should we tackle the doubts in front of a piece ofartwork if we fail to comprehend the artist, the setting, and the artist’ssocial background and context? It is, in all likelihood, beyond your knowledgestructure, or an innovative application of a new material or technology thatyou haven’t encountered, even a pattern that another artist from somewhere elsehas applied but you just haven’t come up with. In the era of rapid progress ofinformation technology, art turns out to keep up with trends in fashion,meanwhile, curiosity doesn’t last, Wu Li is one of the rare artists who standtheir own ground. He is sincerely aware of the realistic experiences in theprocess of growing up, not being disturbed by the waves of globalizedcontemporary art. The historical context, cultural background, education, andproblems in everyday life of each of us are simply independent. There is nocultural phenomenon like what China had experienced in the past 40 years,Chinese artists re-experimented the hundreds of years of artistic movements inthe Western art history, and hatched a great number of semi-mature “fruits”which had been influenced by a new wave of values and market trends beforegetting “ripe”. As an artist of post-1980s, Wu Li in his formative years hadbeen trained for the modelling and coloring in accordance with the Westernpost-impressionism and expressionism. Throughout the art history of the pastone hundred years, from the first bunch of artists returned from overseacountries in the late Qing dynasty and early Republic of China and the NewChinese Woodcut Movement that Lu Xun initiated and the return of painterlinessin the post-1989 period to the writerly qualities of brush and ink in Chinesepaintings as well as the expressionist paintings related to the images ofpictures, all of this manifested a particular significance of the times. Theexpressionism, abstract expressionism, and neo-expressionism had been dated inthe art history of the West, that’s why a vast majority of artists suspectedthat such a way of painting was by no means adapted to the system ofcontemporary art dominated by the Western world, however, such concern turnedout to be superfluous, the connotation of “contemporary” articulately differsin different countries and geopolitics, this is also true in the historicalcontext, the avant-garde quality of the Star Art Exhibition was only manifestedin specific time and space. Wu Li’s artistic practice happened to be preciselypart of the shift of China’s modernist art movement in the past 100 years, hispractice also reflected the transformation of oriental writings throughout the artisticlanguage of Western paintings.
果木 Fruit Tree
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
果实 Fruit
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
Since leaving Hunan for Beijing in 2005, Wu Li has “risen with the larkand went to bed with the lamb”, working day after day in his studio in theeastern suburb of Beijing. In an extraordinarily old-fashioned manner, unlikethe exhilaratingly vigorous colors and pictures as well as his enthusiasticbrushworks, in view of his personality, he is quite calm and determined andjust peacefully obeys his compassionate inclinations in a way assemblingreligious practice. All of this indicates a defining contrast with the hustleand bustle 20 kilometers away in the neighborhood Dabeiyao. He attempts to makeeach brushwork powerfully impressive and resonant in good faith, and tries hisutmost to manipulate the picture through repeated explorations andinvestigations bit by bit. Without slightest sluggishness or deliberateavoidance, free from cunning actions and independent on prevailing trends, allof his prominence comes from his own experience and perception of everydaylife. Keen on capturing each of the fleeting moments, he is also contented withlearning from masters from all around the world in art history so as to beginagain through the dialogues with them. Wu Li suggested that he would view theart scene of today without being subject to the times, and distance himselffrom the present times, meanwhile, he is quite alert to the trends. A visit toWu Li’s studio reminded me of the Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado’sphotography collection Genesis which is a result of an eight-year surveydrawing together spectacular photographs of landscapes and lands untouched bythe modern civilizations. The photographer said that in the process of workingon the Genesis, he had dialogues with nature through his camera and he feltcontented and pleased. When taking photographs of the subjects, the artistfully immersed himself in the lifestyle and status of the photographed and heviewed most of the instantly-taken photographs quite shallow. This helps uscomprehend the relationship between nature and human beings that Wu Li depictedin a rather explicit way, indeed, he also used to immerse himself in the lifeof the depicted subjects. Conversely, he cannot distance himself from therelationship between the natural world and human beings, which serves as a naturalpower that has integrated into his blood as a part of his body. If the artistdidn’t articulate or value all the subjects affectionately and passionately,what else could inspire him? If affection and intuition were separated from thesubconsciousness as part of painting, painting would never touch upon theultimate spirituality of human beings.
Curator: Deng Binbin
July26, 2018
1983年 生于湖南湘潭
1995年 从事绘画至今
2018 “光天化日”伍礼个展,索卡艺术中心,北京
2017 “五柿同堂”伍礼个展,谷仓当代艺术中心,深圳
2017 “五柿同堂”伍礼个展,前海壹会,深圳
2013 “岩中花树”伍礼个展,北京art110空间,北京
2008 “烈酒浓情”伍礼个展,和静园艺术馆,北京
2016 第三届南京国际美术展,南京
2014 力波村画廊春季展,北京
2012 宋庄美术馆首届weibo展,北京
2012 当代收藏家推介展,北京
2008 平艺术空间开幕展,台北
2008 “众神与玩偶”,千瞳空间,北京
2008 “笔触”和静园艺术馆,北京
2007 “十年一觉”,和静园艺术馆,北京
2007 “中国当代最具潜力的油画家联展”,柏林,德国
2007 “生活在宋庄”,宋庄美术馆,北京
儿 Son
水彩 Watercolor
林 Forest
水彩 Watercolor
父与子 Father and Son
水彩 Watercolor
行者 Walker
水彩 Watercolor
果实 Fruit
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
云怒石开 Cloud fury and Stone Open
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
白头翁 Old man with White Hair
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
光天化日 In Broad Daylight
水彩 Watercolor
果实 Fruit
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
楠竹山 Nanzhu Mountain
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
松 Pine
布面油画 Oil on Canvas
文章来源 | 索卡艺术中心