在看到End Emotional Eating这本书的标题时,一直备受减肥问题煎熬的我茅塞顿开,原来我体重顽固飙升的根源在emotions上!
食欲,总是随着情绪的波动而不断变化。Most overeating is prompted by feelings rather than physical hunger.
微信跟男朋友聊天时开玩笑说我缺人陪,所以内心空虚,就想拿食物来填补。虽然这是玩笑,但却道出了事实,我就是心理需求没得到满足,所以想在饮食上找补回来,久而久之,身体也就越来越胖,我想End Emotional Eating会给我一个可借鉴的解决办法的。
Mindfulness describes present-moment-focused, flexible, nonjudgmental awareness. It’s about experiencing the reality of where you are now, rather than living in the abstractions of your thoughts about the past or future.
Acceptance means a willingness to experience thoughts and feelings, even uncomfortable ones. It doesn’t mean endorsing things we don’t want to experience or running headlong into unpleasantness. When we practice acceptance, it means that we acknowledge the reality of our life’s circumstances, and we make space for the flow of the whole of our inner world, without needlessly trying to defend ourselves against it or escape it.
Emotional eating
Emotional eating is a popular term used to describe eating that is influenced by emotions, both positive and negative. Feelings may affect various aspects of your eating, including your motivation to eat, your food choices, where and with whom you eat, and the speed at which you eat.
Many people who struggle with difficult emotions also struggle with eating problems.