
作者: 汤圆君花生酱A15003 | 来源:发表于2017-04-29 17:24 被阅读0次

    Marketing appeals to me as it is arguablythe most important department of any businesses. I understand the importance ofmarketing for all companies, whether it be small, medium or a blue chipcompany. I believe it would challenge my more creative side as well as testingmy theoretical skills. I'm particularly interested in the more creative advertisingside of marketing and the psychology behind it.

    I engaged in a marketing program in acompany. I enjoy taking part in group discussions, having debates and runningwith ideas and I honestly believe Stanford University will give me wonderfulexperience combined communications and technologies.

    I want to pursue higher education asI believe that it will provide me with all the experience and knowledge I needin order for me to successfully get a job in the marketing industry. I amlooking forward to the academic side of Stanford University . I'm alwayslooking for new challenges and feel I work more efficiently when given independence.I'm also looking forward to the social aspects as I love meeting new people andmaking new friends. 

    I’ve worked as a market analyst in a marketing research company and learned kinds of methods to analysis data of customers, sales and financial reports. While to be a more professional expert

    on marketing, knowledge of academic communications, marketing and management should be attained at Stanford University.



