B1-Breakfast and brunch eggs

B1-Breakfast and brunch eggs

作者: 三本奇美拉 | 来源:发表于2020-12-01 22:55 被阅读0次

Hi, what can I get for you today?

Hi, do you have any brunch specials?你们有早午餐特价套餐吗?

WeWe have a few. There’s a free range egg omelet with ham and spinach.有的。我们有跑山鸡蛋煎蛋卷夹火腿和菠菜。

Hmm, I’m not big on ham. What else do you have?嗯,我不是很喜欢火腿。还有什么别的吗?

We also have scrambled[ˈskræmbld] 炒 eggs with hashbrowns炸薯饼.我们有炒鸡蛋和洋葱土豆煎饼。

Um, anything else?

What about two eggs sunny side up on avocado toast?两个单面煎蛋加鳄梨吐司如何?

I prefer my eggs over easy. Do you have any frittatas菜肉馅煎蛋饼 on the menu?我喜欢双面嫩煎蛋。你们有菜肉煎蛋饼吗?

We do, but we’re sold out for today.

Oh, Any other specials?还有其他特价套餐吗?

There’s also a classic Eggs Benedict.还有经典班尼迪克蛋。

Ok, I’ll have the Eggs Benny.

How do you like your eggs-soft or hard poached水煮,清蒸?

Hard, please. I don’t like runny流鼻涕的;水分过多的 yolks.熟一点的。我不喜欢吃嫩蛋黄。

Coming right up!

free range/fri reɪnʤ/ 散养的

not big on 不是很喜欢

scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋

sunny side up 单面煎蛋

poached 水煮(荷包蛋等)

how do you like 你觉得如何

runny 稀的

coming right up 马上就来

They’d sold out of bread by the time I got there.

We’ve been trying to find the toy Janet wants for Christmas, but every store is sold out.

I refuse to sell out no matter what they offer me.

Dan is a classic example of a child who’s clever but lazy.

The reason he gave for being late was a classic.

Crepes Suzttte is a classic French dessert.法式薄饼是经典的法式甜点。

Adam thinks there’s nothing grosser than runny eggs.

The soup is still a little runny. Maybe add some flour.

Ugh my nose is runny. Can you please hand me a tissue?我一直在流鼻涕,能帮我把面巾纸递过来吗?

How do you like the omelet I made for you?

How would you like to try out that new Indian restaurant?

What do you think about the recipes in my new cookbook?你觉得我的新书中的菜谱怎么样?

What’s your take on being vegetarian?你对素食有什么看法?

What about the new company late policy?新公司的迟到政策怎么样?

How about the new iPhone X?



      本文标题:B1-Breakfast and brunch eggs
