Long-lived assets
Tangible assets(例如PP&E等物理存在的)
- Measurement model
- Cost Model - IFRS
- Cost Model
- Revaluation Model - 使用revaluation model有两条原则,第一:gain -> OCI, loss -> I/S; 第二:if 逆转,必须先销原账户
- Depreciation
折旧方法 | 算法 |
Straight-line年限平均法 | ( cost - residual value ) / useful life |
Double-declining balance双倍余额递减(考试重点) | (2/asset life in years) * net book value at the beginning of year |
units-of-production工作量法 | (original cost - salvage ) * output unit in period / life in output units |
- 累计折旧不能超过原值减去残值;
- US.GAAP的残值只能估低,不能reverse;
Intangible assets
- 无形资产的分类
Identifiable IA (可辨认(可剥离,可单独交易)) | Unidentifiable IA 只有一种,商誉(收购溢价) | Internally generated |
专利、商标、著作权 | 商誉 | R&D |
Capitalized on the B/S | Capitalized on the B/S | Expensed as incurred |
Amortization | Impairment | Amortization |
- Measurement model
- Cost Model - IFRS
- Cost Model
- Revaluation Model - 使用revaluation model有两条原则,第一:gain -> OCI, loss -> I/S; 第二:if 逆转,必须先销原账户
- Impairment of assets
- IFRS 一步判断
- 比较carry value 和recoverable amount的值,减值为carry value减去recoverable amount;
- recoverable amount = max(fair value to sell清算价值,value in use持续经营)
2.GAAP 两步走 - Carry value > 非折现现金流;
- carry value 减去 fair value 或者 减去未来现金流的折现
- 对于R&D,IFRS和GAAP认为Research是费用化的;Development阶段,IFRS认为是资本化的;IFRS任务是费用化的,除非是用于软件应用;
- Carry value = Historical Cost - Accumulated depreciation - impairment;
De-recognition of assets
- Sale of long-lived asset
G/L = proceed - D.N.B.V - Abandon of long-lived assets
- removed carry value;
- loss on I/S
- Exchange of long-lived assets
G/L = fair value of the old asset (or fair value of the new asset) - D.N.B.V
Investment Properties
Type | U.S.GAAP | IFRS |
long-lived asset | Cost Model | Cost Model;Revaluation Model; fair value in B/S; |
Investment Property | 不区分investment property;使用Cost Mode | Cost Model; Fair value model; fair value in B/S; |