安夫人的日常生活分享 Day 2

安夫人的日常生活分享 Day 2

作者: 宇宙公民安夫人 | 来源:发表于2024-01-16 07:31 被阅读0次








3 寫下五件值得感恩的事



6 .練琴










# Meet a better self 100-day check-in 2024 Day2

Over the past year, my husband and I have been traveling frequently across the country for business, and the business travel days have taken up almost half of the year. Although at first I enjoyed going to different countries to meet business partners and friends... Take a vacation, expand your knowledge, broaden your horizons, and experience a different life.

Overall, this is helpful for our career development and life experience, but the only disadvantage is the constant traveling and traveling, the hard work of adjusting to jet lag, etc. Therefore, being able to suspend business trips and stay at home has become my greatest enjoyment in life.

I am very grateful that we live in a mountain with a beautiful environment. I like walking, and I often use the afternoon to hike alone in the mountains where we live. This is the best time for me to be alone. I like to listen to books while walking, and then enjoy the nature and take photos.

I also like to put on headphones and listen to soft music. When I listen to music, it is my personal meditation time, and it is also when inspiration strikes me. I also cherish every moment of being alone these days.

"Agenda for finishing today's things today"

1. Write down a list of daily tasks to sort out your day.

2. Dress yourself up exquisitely to please yourself and others.

3 Write down five things you are grateful for

4. Reading (Zero Limit. The Fifth Mantra)

5. Exercise (dancing)


7. Practice spiritual routines (Bible study, prayer, preaching)

9. Short essay check-in

10. Mindfulness meditation for 5 minutes (positive energy in the morning to start a perfect day)

11. Intimacy (spending time with family members and spending meaningful time)

12. Practice calligraphy (enjoy the flow state and slow life)

"Life Review"

Weekends are the days for our missionary meetings. Although this is a spiritual activity for the whole family, we do not forget to accompany the children to do the things they like.

After attending the missionary meeting, my husband and I accompanied our children to a Korean restaurant to enjoy Korean food, and then drove to Xicheng Department Store to watch a movie.

On Sunday, our eldest son and daughter-in-law joined us to dine at the newly opened Italian restaurant. We were very satisfied with all the meals and ate them with gusto. This is the perfect end to a happy week.

# 遇見更好的自己百日打卡2024 Day2






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      本文标题:安夫人的日常生活分享 Day 2
