Gaga 5 Foot 2

Gaga 5 Foot 2

作者: tinasui | 来源:发表于2017-10-29 14:23 被阅读0次

还有一个月就要去见Gaga了,铁杆粉丝的我今天终于有时间看了她的Netflix纪录片Gaga:5 Foot 2. 以前只是单纯的喜欢她,喜欢她的风格和音乐,看完这个纪录片又多了一层敬佩。真是个又有才华又努力又重感情的姑娘!

这个纪律片主要记录了她的新专辑Joanne的录制过程和Super Bowl的准备过程。以前根本听不出来这个record里面很多的钢琴配乐都是她自己弹得,并且变弹变唱,相当潇洒。其中她自己说这个专辑的最大区别就是这张专辑代表了最真实的自己。

“I never felt comfortable enough to sing and just be this way now, wear my hair back, I never felt pretty enough, smart enough or good enough musician. that's the good part, the good part is that I didn't feel good enough and I do now. Of all the things I deserve, that's is where I know I'm worth something. I have the stay there. I want to become a woman in this business and grow up . I mean you become famous at 21 or 22 its like you stop growing up I want to become a woman cuz the truth is I can always bring my path with me but I can never go back. you gotta leave yourself behind"

其实她也有自己的insecurity and anxiety,三年前broke了她自己的hip但是直到现在她都会suffer hip pain但是演出的时候看见fans就顾不得那么多的全力的演出。中间的一个片段是Gaga躺在她的沙发上清晰的可以描述出从哪根肋骨开始疼带着整个右边边身体都疼的要命。还有一个片段是她躺在医院的病床上,描述自己的病情但是当经纪人说还有15分钟就要有另一个采访时,她也二话没说一边跟医生说一边化妆,所以说她的成功并不光是靠特立独行的表象。干什么都不容易!

"I'm gonna fight like fxcking hell for them to fxcking love it because it's lovable. "


不想做太多的剧透,强烈推荐喜欢Gaga或者对她好奇的朋友去看这个纪录片。这个姑娘have my heart。非常真实又非常感性!


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