216. 学游泳的糗事-2

216. 学游泳的糗事-2

作者: 自由自在慢教练 | 来源:发表于2021-09-15 21:03 被阅读0次

4. 1周前





- "Hey, do you speak Mandarin?" Some one across the left lane gazed at me and said all a sudden when I looked around after I just finished one lap. He looks like a University Student, with a pair of mixed color of blue and green eyes. I can see his firm jaw line after he removed his goggles. And he spinned,  "I saw you swim. You are very good at genering propelling power.  if you can spend some time practice with Pull Buoy, you will swim a lot faster. ... Right now, your legs dragging your body down, this posture cost energy but sacrifice on speed.  "

- "...Really? .. You noticed that too? I feel the same. " I smirked. 

- "Yeah, I strongly recommend you give a try on this. You will get used to keep your body straight under the water. if you want, you can use mIne. " he smiled. 

- 「そですね...」

It turned out that this is a chemical engineer within Public Service Sector,  working on Municipality Project Management area, speaking Turkish, German, and Mandarin, and Cantanese, and Japanese. A live Fluent-in-3-Month model. The most improtant is his years of practice in Triathlet specifically great in swimming. 

What a great honor of knowing a triathlete coaching my skill!

5. Right now

Oui, comme si comme ca,  vous connaisez bien maintenent pourquoi j'aime la vie de Toronto. Peu importe à quel point la vie est merdique,il y a toujours des surprises heureusement. 

And just like Sid said in the movie "Ice Age (4) - The continent drift", "My mom usually says when all things are bad, there's usually a rainbow around every corner..."


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      本文标题:216. 学游泳的糗事-2
