Can you imagine the whole universe has the same circle?
That wave period is around 650 million years.
All the universe life will be destroyed and be reborn again.
This period is the ultimate power around the universe.
Which defined all un linear outcomes.
That's all un linear force’s center.
Life came out from the most extreme phenomena.
This phenomenon can go through all universe.
Now we have is astronomy.
It just researches the data from heaven.
like lights and gravitational waves.
Makes us like having eyes and ears but no memory.
Universe geology is the memory.
It’s the Hippocampus of the universe.
Only rocks can restore over 1 billion data.
Only rocks’ lines give the university history.
Without data from rocks.
People never know how old the universe is.
In my eye, rocks’ fracture is more beautiful than any cultural relic of humans.
Any rock’s life may over 100 million years.
Cultural relic just has 10000 years, already whole history of humans.
The rocks record the universe history more than 10 billion years old.
But now no one can understand this data.
Even geologists just see this as force from earth.
It is the history of the universe.
Any other earth like the planet also has the same strata.
We need more data of Mars and stars out of the galaxy.
So we finally know the strata history of multiuniverse.
May Cambrian creatures suddenly come out.
It is a common thing all around the universe because of being affected by another multiverse.
Strange matter is the ultimate danger of the universe.
It only exists in neutron stars.
Black hole graviry huge, and no repulsion here.
But neutron stars have a balance of gravity and repulsion.
Inside neutron stars.
Strange matter came out.
This thing is the ultimate stable thing of the universe.
Even one astoms strange matter shoot to the sun.
The sun also become stable thing.
One astom kills the earth more easily.
This matter like a virus, around the universe.
It may be like dark energy.
This defined universe life detroy and reborn.
Strange matter movement period, defined life.
Even the highest life can’t obey this law.
The law store in rocks.