A letter from Hypebeast creative director - Jorg Haas
<Hypebeast Magazine - issue 13>

To innovate in any given field, first, one needs to be exceptionally knowledgeable on the subject at hand. This is proving to be increasingly difficult as technology rapidly advances, resulting in an overload of information. True innovators are the individuals who can harness this abundance of knowledge, and use it to develop and create something great,propelling us towards the future. With that said, I often wonder if humanity will ever reach a point where its accumulated knowledge reaches dimensions that even the most promissing students, scientists, researchers, doctors and engineers cannot fully grasp. This scenario may consequently unfold given the exponential growth of technology. From our vantage point, there must be a "filtering system", where we relinquish irrelevant and obsolete information, and in the mean time develope new methods of educating future experts and professionals.
Translation:在任何领域中想要创新,首先,你需要在你现在所在的领域中拥有相当高的学识水平。就这点来说,当科技日渐发达导致信息的过度膨胀,它的日渐困难已是不言而喻。(在这句话中,Jorg 的意思应该是现在的人在信息化世界中变得更加容易迷失自我,而无法concentrate on 个人专长领域的学习。)真正具有创新能力的人,能够驾驭这种过度泛滥的信息,并且为己所用以创造出惊人的成就,推进时代的进程走向未来。这么说来,我时常置疑是否有人能够达到这样一个水平:知识自身的积累达到了一个甚至是最有前途的学生、科学家、学者、博士或工程师都无法完全把握的维度上。(对于这句话,个人理解就是一个人无法尽其所有的掌握所有知识,只能够在自己的限度和能力内尽可能的学习和提升自我。)这种理论可能会因此被以指数级增长的科技所拓展。以我们的优势来看,我认为必须具有一种过滤系统,它能够将过时的和不想干的信息过滤掉,并且同时开发出一种教育未来专业人士的新方法。
Perspective:所谓不破不立,当想要创新的时候,就必须对既成事物有所舍弃。Jorg在文中提到的Filtering System 的这个想法,和我之前发的置顶微博中的这句话:To be a smart filter between you and massive internet feeds. * 不谋而合。事实上,如今的科技发展似乎带来了更多弊端(相对于普遍现象和普通受众而言),在这种信息泛滥的时代大潮中,相比于以往更容易使人迷失自我。而一个人是否忠于自我,很大程度上决定了他将来的成就和自身修养。一言以蔽之,在接受网络与信息的同时,必须带有目的性,最重要的是必须有一个清醒的头脑。什么适合你,什么不适合。如果一个人只会接受与盲从,那他和未开化的灵长类动物又有什么区别?*
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E_ditorial; Webzine : My taste will become yours.
Translated by Kape. Original text by Hypebeast. 02/16/2016 17:10