L3 L3 P3 Speaking

L3 L3 P3 Speaking

作者: Joyce_Wu123 | 来源:发表于2020-10-03 12:29 被阅读0次


1.It was difficult for him to sit in his seat.(91)

2.He started to sweat and breathe quickly. (76)

3.It was a pain in his lower back. (77)

4.By then he was in so much pain that he could barely walk.(90)

5.After some tests, a doctor told him he had a kidney stone.(87)

6.We need to reduce the use of fossil fuels to produce energy.(85)

7.Dams are expensive to build and affect wildlife such as fish. (82)

8.Words that are nouns or pronouns are used to represent objects.(80)

9.What does your wife think?(88)

10.We're supposed to move at the end of next month.(85)

11.I won’t say anything to anybody.(89)

12.Instead of improving, he felt dizzy, and he threw up. (86)

13.On a scale of 1 to 10, the pain was an 8.(90)

14.I thought you were happy working here. (92)

15.He tries not to think about things too deeply. (91)

16.You sound like a philosopher or a poet. (85)

17.The good news is that we're going to expand. (86)

18.I'm sure this will come as a surprise to everyone. (91)

19.Harry didn't have to stay at the hospital for very long. (82)

20.Medical costs in the United States are very high. (89)

21.With the pain medicine, the pain went away very quickly. (84)

22.Yesterday he got up as usual and had breakfast.(89)

23.He was pain in his lower back.

24.After some testing, a doctor told him he had a kidney stone.(85)


1.About halfway to the airport, the pain in his back started to get worse. (73)

2.We need to reduce the use of fossil fuels to produce energy.

3.We use adjectives to describe objects, such as a tall building. (70)

4.Nuclear energy is efficient and doesn't produce carbon gases as a waste product. (71)

5.He explained the situation and cancelled his reservation. (77)

6.Once inside the ambulance, they gave him oxygen to help him breathe. (75)



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