腓立比书 4:4;
你们要靠主常常喜乐。我再说,你们要喜乐。(腓4: 4)
January 11;
Philippians 4:4;
Song: Hymn 35:1, 5
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4)
Yesterday, we looked at a passage in Lamentations, the book of sorrows. The text for today is taken from Paul's letter to the Philippians. This letter is often called "the letter of joy" because of its many references to joy and rejoicing.
We are exhorted to rejoice in the Lord always. Actually, this is a command, not merely a piece of advice. Worldly therapists will tell us that it is good to be a positive thinker and to be joy-oriented. But the Lord commands us simply: rejoice always.
How can we tell people to rejoice? Does happiness not depend on a lot of pleasing circumstances? Beside, who can be happy all the time? In our life en route, we will face many trials and sorrows. From our viewpoint, therefore, we have to say that this is an impossible command.
Paul's circumstances at the time of writing are not very good. He is in prison, awaiting his sentence. Execution is a real possibility. Yet, he tells the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord always. He even repeats it: "I will say it again: Rejoice!"
We must take note that this joy is in the Lord. We are to rejoice in what the Lord Jesus Christ has done and still does for us. Our focus must be on his work of salvation. We may not always rejoice in our outward circumstances, for there are difficult times in life, but Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
He is with us every day, all day. Rejoice!
Question:How can the Lord simply command us to rejoice?