

作者: 123逍遥游 | 来源:发表于2017-12-30 21:57 被阅读17次


In Kenya, some 90 percent of students who took the 2017 secondary education exams failed. 参加2017年高考的肯尼亚学生中有九成没有考上。

Opposition lawmakers are calling on the government to investigate why so many students did not pass.  反对派议员呼吁政府调查未录取的学生人数为何如此之多。

The minister of education, however, expressed satisfaction with the results. 不过,教育部部长对高考的结果表示非常满意。

Caleb Amisi is an opposition lawmaker.  迦勒 阿米西(Caleb Amisi)是一名反派对议员。

He told reporters that parliament must understand what led to only 10 percent of students scoring high enough to enter university. 他在接受记者采访时表示,肯尼亚议会必须弄清为何只有10%的学生可以考入大学。

Kenya National Examination Council must be ordered  肯尼亚国家考试委员会必须接受命令,

to prepare and present a comprehensive report over this perceived mass failure, Amisi said.  准备为这次大规模考试失利提供一份全面的报告,阿米西如是说道。

He added that some of Kenya's most trustworthy companies should help with an independent investigation. 他补充道,肯尼亚一些信誉度高的公司应该帮助进行一次独立的调查。

The exam results created concern among parents, teachers and others.  这次考试的结果让很多家长、老师等相关人士十分担心。

They worry about the fate of the students and the quality of Kenya's education system. 他们担心这些学生的命运和肯尼亚的教育体系质量。

One of the key questions is what caused the high failure rate among the some 600,000 students who took the test.  其中一个关键问题是:在这近60万名应试学生中为何有如此高的未录取率。

Are students, teachers, or the curriculum to blame?  问题在学生、老师还是课程体系上?

Or was the problem a quick grading process that saw educators go through the exams in just three weeks? 还是说,问题在于评分流程过快--仅用三周完成整个高考流程呢?

Mark Nyamita, an opposition lawmaker, says the problem needs to be fixed.  马克 尼亚米塔(Mark Nyamita)也是一名反对派议员,他表示这个问题需要解决。

If not, millions of young Kenyans will be barred from higher education. 如果得不到解决,那么成千上万名肯尼亚年轻人将无法接受高等教育。

If this goes on in this government over the next five years,  如果未来五年肯尼亚政府依然出现这样的问题,

we are going to have a whopping 2.5 million-plus people with their future shuttered, he said. 那么将有250多万人没有未来,他如是说道。

Some Kenyan officials say the mass failure resulted from efforts to reduce cheating.  一些肯尼亚官员表示,这次大规模考试失利是因为减少作弊的工作。

In an interview with Citizen Television, Education Minister Fred Matiangi hinted that explanation might be true.  在接受肯尼亚市民电视台采访时,教育部部长弗莱德 马蒂安吉(Fred Matiangi)暗示说,解释的说法可能是真的。

He suggested the results show the true state of Kenyan education. 他表示,这次的高考结果表明了肯尼亚教育的真实情况。

I am very satisfied with the results we have had in the last two years, 2016 and 2017,  我对我们过去两年,也就是2016年和2017年的高考结果十分满意,

because we have lived a lie for such a long time, Matiangi said.  因为很长时间以来,我们一直活在谎言之中,马蒂安吉如是说道。

Time is here for us now to deal with the truth. 现在我们是时候解决这个现实状况了。

Calls are growing for a national conference to resolve the crisis and decide what to do about the students who failed the exams. 越来越多的人呼吁进行一次全国性会议,来应对这次危机,并决定如何对待这次高考失利的学生。

Lawmakers will likely discuss the issue in the National Assembly in February. 一些医院将在二月份的国民大会上讨论这个问题。

I'm John Russell. 约翰 拉塞尔为您播报。



