赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 037 A Wond

赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 037 A Wond

作者: UncleBryan | 来源:发表于2018-05-31 08:08 被阅读0次

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    I. Reading 阅读

    My girlfriend and I had a wonderful time last night. First, I took her to a cozy restaurant for dinner. Then, we went to a concert. Finally, we had some coffee at a nearby cafe. Just before we parted, she gave me a goodnight kiss. At that moment, I was on top of the world. And now I'm in love.


    II. Vocabulary&ldioms 单词短语注解

    1. girlfriend ['ɡɝlfrɛnd] n. 女朋友
      boyfriend ['bɔɪfrɛnd] n. 男朋友
    2. wonderful [ˈwʌndɚfəl] a.美妙的,棒的
      例: This is a wonderful party.
    3. last night 昨晚
    4. first [fɝst] adv. 首先
    5. took [tʊk] vt. 带,载(take [tek] 的过去式)
      take+人+to十地方 带(载)某人到某地
      例: Can you take me to school tomorrow?
    6. cozy ['kozi] a. 舒适的
      例: Joe lives in a cozy little house in the countryside.
    7. restaurant [ˈrestərənt; rɛstərənt] n. 餐 厅
    8. went [wɛnt] vi. 去(go [go]的过去式)
      go to + 地方 到某地去
      例: We need to go to the supermarket.
    9. concert ['kɑnsɚt] n. 演唱会,音乐会
    10. finally ['faɪnlɪ] adv. 最后
    11. coffee ['kɔfi] n. 咖啡
    12. nearby [,nɪr'baɪ] a. 在附近的
      例: My brother lives in a nearby village.
    13. cafe [kæ'fe] n. 咖啡厅
    14. just [dʒʌst] adv. 就在(强调用法)
      just before... 就在······之前
    15. before [bɪ'fɔr] conj. 在······之前
      例: Before I leave for work, I always kiss my wife goodbye.
    16. part [pɑrt] vi. 分手
      part from+人 与某人分手
      例: After saying goodbye, he parted from his parents and got on the train.
    17. kiss [kɪs] n. 吻
      a good-night kiss 晚上道别时之亲吻
    18. moment ['momənt] n. 片刻,时刻
      at the moment 就在那时
      例: At that moment, I had nothing to say.
    19. be on top of the world
      top [tɑp] n. 顶端
      world [wɝld] n. 世 界
      例: I got an "A" on my final exam. I am on top of the world.
    20. Iove [lʌv] n. 爱
      be in love(with+人)爱上某人;(与某人)恋爱了
      例: I think Carl is in love with Connie.

    III. Grammar Points 语法重点


    1. 一般过去时的形式
      例: I saw him yesterday. (saw为see的过去式)
      例: He lived here ten years ago. (lived 为 live 的过去式)
      They were angry when they heard the news.
      a. 动词的过去式均由动词原形变化而成,许多动词字尾加-ed即成过去式,如:
      want → wanted 要
      part → parted 分并
      visit → visited 拜访
      help → helped 帮助
      see → saw 看
      tell → told 告诉
      have → had 有
      forget → forgot 忘记
      b. 由于be动词的过去式亦属不规则变化,且常用得到,故特列表如下,以利背诵:

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      c. 一般过去时的否定句子结构如下:
      主语+did not/didn't+动词原形
      主语 + was not/wasn't ......
      主语 + were not/weren't ......
      例: 肯定句:He left. (他离开了。)
      否定句:He didn't leave. (他没离开)
      肯定句:We were happy. (我们很快乐。)
      否定句:We weren't happy. (我们不快乐。)
    2. 一般过去时使用的时机
      例: He came back at ten this morning.
      He passed away last night.

    IV. Substitution 替换

    1. My girlfriend and I had a wonderful time last night.
      My girlfriend and I saw a scary movie last night.
      My girlfriend and I went to a French restaurant last night.

    2. We had some coffee at a nearby cafe.
      We had dinner at a local restaurant.
      We had lunch at a cheap snack bar.


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          本文标题:赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 037 A Wond
