
作者: 懒懒的妈 | 来源:发表于2017-04-19 10:00 被阅读0次



S: You mentionedgentle compassion. I’d like to know if you could talk a little bit about anot-so-gentle compassion, or harsh compassion. For instance, I’ve heard that tomaster karate one must really understand compassion, and I don’t fullyunderstand that.


V: It’s a questionof not being kind purely for the sake of being kind. You see, that whole ideacomes from conceptualization. When we talk about compassion we talk in terms ofbeing kind. But compassion is not so much being kind; It is being creative towake a person up. It is communicating properly rather than just purely beingcharitable and kind. So if you see that kindness is beginning to becomeaddictive to the person, then you stop being kind. You strike them to wake themup.


It could be a ghastly experience for a few seconds—for a few days, forthat matter. You see, compassion could be kind. But at the same time, [idiot]compassion could be fulfilling what you want or trying to help a person inwhatever way that person wants to be helped. This could go too far. Forinstance, if you continuously give sedative tablets to a person, in the endthat person could be hooked on them rather than just purely using them to curethe pain. A person could get hooked on it. So then there’s the decision of notcontinuing, not going on with that feeding of the person’s weakness anymore.You really have to be brave to create chaos, disturbances, or upset as far asthe other person is concerned, to stop feeding them such sedatives. And if weare the object of this, it could be a ghastly experience; we could regard thatperson as really being cruel to us. But sooner or later we will discover it, ofcourse.

——《秋阳创巴著作集》第六卷 The Collected Works of Chogyam Trungpa Vol.6 P541

译者:Yeshe from DixvilleNotch


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