

作者: 一口特立独行的井 | 来源:发表于2020-03-01 20:01 被阅读0次

Hallo  uncle !

That snow shoveling machine looks very convenient, but the snow and ice aunt doesn't wear gloves, doesn't she feel very cold?

I've been yearning for snow for several years, but last time I fell in the snow, the feeling of snow melting in my hands is really cold.These days, the north is still as cold as ever, but the South has put on short sleeved shorts.

We may also stay at home in March, because the school is crowded and easy to cause infection, so textbooks and exercise books are sent to us by express delivery. My classmates have received them, but I haven't.Yesterday, I found my qualified test results on the Internet. Two subjects are a and two are B. since then, I no longer need to learn biology and chemistry.

China's epidemic situation has turned under the full resistance of the government and the people. However, some countries are becoming more and more serious for various reasons. How is your side now?I hope this storm will pass soon, and we can still travel in the warm spring. Take off the mask and breathe fresh air.

Looking forward to your early reply,               

          your niece


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