以弗所书 2;
唱诗:诗篇 87: 1,2,3;
当我们看到昨天的灵修中的“以色列人的奥秘”时,实际上,我们也想到了“外邦人的奥秘”。 以色列人在罪中的刚硬,使得外邦人也包含在了基督里。在给以弗所教会的书信中,保罗也提到了同样的事。既然他对这个特殊的奥秘有更多的见解,再回顾一下这个问题就是明智之举。
但是福音的信息是,耶稣基督已经拆毁了这堵墙,现在,犹太人和外邦人都是“神家里的人了”(弗 2: 19)。这个家建立在使徒和先知的基础上,以耶稣基督自己为房角石。
March 6
Ephesians 2
Song: Psalm 87:1,2,3
"This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 3:6)
When we looked at the "mystery of Israel" in our previous devotion, we also, in fact, considered the "mystery of the Gentiles". Israel's hardening in sin led to the Gentiles' inclusion in Christ. Paul writes about the same matter in his letter to the church at Ephesus. Since he provides more insight into this particular mystery, it would be wise to look at it again.
The Jews believed that the Gentiles had no part whatsoever in God's salvation and promises. As a rule, therefore, Jews would not visit Gentiles or eat a common meal with them. There was, as it were, a dividing wall between Jew and Gentile. In Ephesians 2:14, Paul characterizes this wall as a "barrier, the dividing wall of hostility..."
But the Gospel is that Jesus Christ has broken down the wall of hostility, and now Jew and Gentile are joined as "members of God's household" (Eph 2:19).This household is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.
We are quite used to this mystery for we have heard or read about it many times. But most of the Jews in Paul's days were appalled at the breakdown of the age-old barrier. Paul writes in Ephesians 3:5 that this matter"was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed." Even the early Christian church, we know, had to struggle to accept the implications of this mystery.
But now we know that there are no barriers of race or culture that can prevent someone from being saved.And so we may not discriminate, for we will sit down to eat with all who love Jesus Christ.
Question: What is the personal importance of the "mystery of the Gentiles?”