资料来源,昆士兰大学的《Statistics With Julia》中文翻译为机器翻译,大家注意斟别。
Calculus.jl provides tools for working with basic calculus operations including differentiation
and integration both numerically and symbolically.
提供了用于基本微积分操作的工具, 包括数值和符号上的微分和积分。 -
CategoricalArrays.jl provides tools for working with categorical variables.
提供了处理范畴变量的工具。 -
Clustering.jl provides support for various clustering algorithms.
提供了对各种集群算法的支持。 -
Combinatorics.jl is a combinatorics library focusing mostly on enumerative combinatorics and
是一个主要关注组合计数和排列组合的库。 -
CSV.jl is a utility library for working with CSV and other delimited files in Julia.
是一个实用程序库, 用于在 Julia 中处理 CSV 和其他分隔文件。 -
DataFrames.jl is a package for working with tabular data.
是一个用于处理表格数据的包。 -
DataStructures.jl provides support for various types of data structures.
为各种类型的数据结构提供支持。 -
Dates.jl is one of Julia’s standard libraries and provides support for working with dates and
是 Julia 的标准库之一, 它支持使用日期和时间。 -
DecisionTree.jl is a package for decision trees and random forest algorithms.
是一个包含决策树和随机森林算法的包。 -
DifferentialEquations.jl is a suite which provides efficient Julia implementations of nu-merical
solvers for various types of differential equations.
是一个为各类微分方程的求解器提供有效的 Julia 实现的套件。 -
Distributions.jl provides support for working with probability distributions and associated
为处理概率分布和相关函数提供了支持。 -
Flux.jl is a machine learning library written in pure Julia.
是一个纯 Julia 语言编写的机器学习库。 -
GLM.jl is a package on linear models and generalized linear models.
是一个关于线性模型和广义线性模型的包。 -
HCubature.jl is an implementation of multidimensional “h-adaptive” (numerical) integration in
是 Julia 中多维“h-adaptive”(数值)积分的实现。 -
HypothesisTests.jl implements a wide range of hypothesis tests and confidence intervals.
实现了大量的假设检验和置信区间。 -
HTTP.jl provides HTTP client and server functionality.
Http.jl 提供 HTTP 客户端和服务器功能。 -
IJulia.jl is required to interface Julia with Jupyter notebooks.
需要将 Julia 与 Jupyter 笔记本连接起来。 -
Images.jl is an image processing library.
是一个图像处理库。 -
JSON.jl is a package for parsing and printing JSON.
是一个用于解析和打印 JSON 的包。 -
KernelDensity.jl is a kernel density estimation package.
是一个核密度估计包。 -
LaTeXStrings.jl makes it easier to type LaTeX equations in string literals.
使得在字符串文本中输入 LaTeX 方程变得更加容易。 -
LIBSVM.jl is a package for Support Vector Machines (SVM) using LIBSVM, a general library
for SVM.
是使用支持向量机(SVM)的通用库 LIBSVM 的支持向量机(SVM)包。 -
LightGraphs.jl provides support for the implementation of graphs in Julia.
为 Julia 中的图的实现提供了支持。 -
LinearAlgebra.jl is one of Julia’s standard libraries, and provides linear algebra support.
是 Julia 的标准库之一, 并提供线性代数支持。 -
Measures.jl allows building up and representing expressions involving differing types of units
that are then evaluated, resolving them into absolute units.
允许构建和表示涉及不同类型单元的表达式, 然后计算这些单元, 并将它们解析为绝对单元。 -
MultivariateStats.jl is a package for multivariate statistics and data analysis, including ridge
regression, PCA, dimensionality reduction and more.
是一个用于多重变量分析分析和数据分析的软件包, 包括岭回归、 PCA、 降维分析等等。 -
NLsolve.jl provides methods to solve non-linear systems of equations in Julia.
提供了在 Julia 中求解非线性方程组的方法。 -
Plots.jl is one of the main plotting packages in the Julia ecosystem. It is the main plotting
package used throughout our book.
是 Julia 生态系统中的主要绘图包之一。 这是我们整本书中使用的主要绘图包。 -
PyCall.jl provides the ability to directly call and fully interoperate with Python from the Julia
language.jl 提供了通过 Julia 语言直接调用 Python 并与 Python 进行完全互操作的能力。 -
PyPlot.jl provides a Julia interface to the Matplotlib plotting library from Python, and specifically to the matplotlib.pyplot module.
提供了一个 Julia 接口, 用于从 Python 绘制 Matplotlib 图库, 并特别用于 Matplotlib.pyplot 模
块。 -
QuadGK.jl provides support for one-dimensional numerical integration using adaptive GaussKronrod quadrature.
使用自适应 Gauss-Kronrod 求积方法为一维数值积分提供支持。 -
Random.jl is one of Julia’s standard libraries. It provides support for pseudo random number
是 Julia 的标准库之一, 它支持伪随机数生成。 -
RCall.jl provides several different ways of interfacing with R from Julia.
提供了几种不同的方式与 Julia 的 r 进行接口。 -
RDatasets.jl provides an easy way to interface with the standard datasets that are available in
the core of the R language, as well as several datasets included in many of R’s more
popular packages.
提供了一种简单的方式来与 r 语言核心中可用的标准数据集以及包含在许多 r 更流行的包中的
数据集进行接口。 -
Roots.jl contains simple routines for finding roots of continuous scalar functions of a single real
包含用于寻找单个实变量的连续标量函数根的简单例程。 -
SpecialFunctions.jl contains various special mathematical functions, such as Bessel, zeta,
digamma, along with sine and cosine integrals, as well as others.
包含了各种特殊的数学函数, 如 Bessel, zeta, digamma, 以及正弦和余弦积分等等。 -
Statistics.jl is one of Julia’s standard libraries. It contains functionality for common statis-tics
functions including mean, standard deviation and quantile.
是 Julia 的标准库之一, 它包含常见的统计函数功能, 包括均值、 标准差和分位数。 -
StatsBase.jl provides basic support for statistics by implementing a variety of statistics-related
functions, such as scalar statistics, high-order moment computation, counting, ranking,
covariances, sampling and cumulative distribution function estimation.
通过实现各种与统计相关的功能, 例如标量统计、 高阶矩计算、 计数、 排名、 协方差、 抽样和
累积分布函数估计, 提供了对统计的基本支持。 -
StatsPlots.jl provides extensive statistical plotting recipes.
提供了大量的统计绘图方法。 -
TimeSeries.jl provides support for working with time series data.