Notes for "On the mathematical f

Notes for "On the mathematical f

作者: jjx323 | 来源:发表于2020-01-30 13:54 被阅读0次

    This is a note for the following paper:
    F. Cucker, S. Smale, On the mathematical foundations of learning, Bulletin of The American Mathematical Society, 39(1), 1-49, 2001.

    Page 6, Remark 2

    In addition, \sigma_{\rho}^{2} = 0, the error above specializes to the error mentioned in that discussion, and the regression function f_{\rho} of \rho coincides with f_{T} execpt for a set of measure zero in X.

    For a given x, we have
    y = \left\{\begin{aligned} & 1 \quad x\in T, \\ & 0 \quad x\notin T. \end{aligned}\right.
    For the regression function, we may have
    f_{\rho}(x) = \int_{Y}yd\rho(y|x) = 1\rho(1|x) + 0\rho(0|x),
    where \rho(1|x) = 1 for x\in T and \rho(1|x) = 0 for x\notin T. Hence, we find that
    f_{\rho}(x) = \left\{\begin{aligned} & 1 \quad x\in T, \\ & 0 \quad x\notin T, \end{aligned}\right.
    which coincides with f_{T}.

    Page 10, line 6

    Thus, \mathcal{H}_d is a vector space of dimension
    N = \left(\begin{aligned} & n+d \\ & \quad n \end{aligned}\right).

    Obviously, the conclusion is correct for n = 1. We employ second mathematical induction to illustrate the result. Suppose the result is correct for n-1 to 1, let us verify the case n. For the additional dimension, we can let \alpha_n = 0, 1, \cdots, d. Then, the number of possible ways should be
    \left(\begin{aligned} & n-1+d \\ & \quad n-1 \end{aligned}\right) + \left(\begin{aligned} & n-1+d - 1 \\ & \qquad n-1 \end{aligned}\right) + \cdots + \left(\begin{aligned} & n-1 \\ & n-1 \end{aligned}\right).
    Written the above formula in a concise manner, we obtain
    \sum_{i=0}^{d}\left(\begin{aligned} & n-1+i \\ & \quad n-1 \end{aligned}\right) = \sum_{i=0}^{d}\left(\begin{aligned} & n-1+i \\ & \quad\quad i \end{aligned}\right) = \left(\begin{aligned} & n + d \\ & \quad d \end{aligned}\right) = \left(\begin{aligned} & n + d \\ & \quad n \end{aligned}\right).
    These calculations verify the desired conclusions.

    Page 21, The proof of Proposition 7

    Proposition 7 follows from Lemma 8 by applying the same argument used to prove Theorem B from Proposition 3

    Let \ell = \mathcal{N}\left(\mathcal{H}, \frac{\alpha\epsilon}{4M}\right) and consider f_1, \cdots, f_\ell such that the disks D_j centered at f_j and with radius \frac{\alpha\epsilon}{4M} cover \mathcal{H}. Then for every f\in D_j, we have \|f-f_j\|_{\infty} \leq \frac{\alpha\epsilon}{4M}. Employing Lemma 8, we find that
    \begin{align} & \text{Prob}_{z\in Z^m}\left\{ \sup_{f\in D_j} \frac{ \mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{H}}(f)-\mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{H},z}(f)}{\mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{H}}(f)+\epsilon} \geq 3\alpha\right\} \\ \leq & \text{Prob}_{z\in Z^m}\left\{ \frac{ \mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{H}}(f_j)-\mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{H},z}(f_j)}{\mathcal{E}_{\mathcal{H}}(f_j)+\epsilon} \geq 3\alpha\right\} \leq e^{-\frac{\alpha^2 m\epsilon}{8M^2}}. \end{align}
    Proposition 7 has been proved.

    Page 27, Proof of Theorem 3

    First note that by replacing A by A^s we can reduce the problem in both part (1) and (2) to the case s=1

    Since s > r > 0 is equivalent to 1 > r' > 0 with r' = \frac{r}{s}. From the proof, especially the formula of \hat{t}, we know that
    \min_{b\in H}\|b-a\|^2 + \gamma \|A^{-1}b\|^2 \leq \gamma^{r'} \|A^{-r'}a\|^2
    holds true when 0<r'<1. Replacing A with A^{s}, we obtain
    \min_{b\in H}\|b-a\|^2 + \gamma \|A^{-s}b\|^2 \leq \gamma^{r'} \|A^{-sr'}a\|^2.
    Finally, we arrive at
    \min_{b\in H}\|b-a\|^2 + \gamma \|A^{-s}b\|^2 \leq \gamma^{r/s} \|A^{-r}a\|^2
    with 0 < r< s. Similarly, we can deduce the estimation (2). Here, the result (1) is slightly different from the statment in Theorem 3. It may be a small mistake.



          本文标题:Notes for "On the mathematical f
