[ Docker ] 常用命令

[ Docker ] 常用命令

作者: 爱上落入尘世间的你 | 来源:发表于2019-07-11 13:07 被阅读0次

Reference: https://docker_practice.gitee.io/image/commit.html


# list local images
docker image ls
docker image ls filter_name
docker image ls nginx

# pull a image to local
docker pull library_name/image_name:tag_name
docker pull ubuntu:18.04
#equal with
docker pull library/ubuntu:18.04

# show space used by docker images, containers, volumes and caches
docker system df

# show dangling  images(虚悬镜像)
# docker image ls -f dangling=true

# clean all dangling images
docker prune

# remove a image
docker image rm image_identifier(name, tag, full id, or short id)

# save a container and its change as a image
docker commit --author author_info --message image_message container_name image_name:tag_name 
docker commit --author "twesix" --message "alter index.html" webserver nginx:1.1

# show histories of image
docker history image_name:tag_name


# list containers
# -a list all containers(include stoped containers)
docker container ls [-a]

# launch a container from image
# --name container_name
# -d run in daemon mode
# -i open stdin
# -t allocate a pseudo-tty
# -p manual port map, host-port:container-port
# -P automatically port map
docker run image_name:tag_name command_name
docker run -p host-port:container-port image-name command-name

# launch a stoped container
docker container start container_identifier

# stop the container
docker container stop id_or_name

# show logs of container
docker container logs container_id_or_names

# interact with a running container
# container will stop when exit the interact shell, not recommended
docker attach id_or_name

# interact with a running container
# -i same as docker run
# -t same as docker run
docker exec name_or_id command_name

# remove a container
# -f force to remove even the container is running
docker container rm id_or_name

# clean all the stoped containers
docker container prune


# create a volume
docker volume create volume-name

# show all volumes
docker volume ls

# show detail of volume
docker volume inspect volume-name

# mount a data volume when starting a container
docker run -v volume-name:/path/to/mount/dir image-name command-name
# or 
docker run --mount source=volume-name, target=/path/to/mount/dir image-name command-name

#mount a host dir as data volume
docker run \
# -v /host/dir:/mount/dir \
# or
--mount type=bind, source=/host/dir, target=/path/to/mount/dir, readonly \
image-name command-name

# remove a volume
docker volume rm volume-name

# clean the unnamed and unused volumes
docker volume prune


# port mapping format: host-ip:host-port:container-ip:container-port/prorocal
# if port is omitted, it will be random allocated

# map host port to container port
# -P automatically map random ports of host to all the opened ports of container
# -p map a port of host to a port of container
docker run [-P | -p <mapping format>] image_name command_name

# show binding details of the container's port
docker port container-name container-port

# create a new docker bridge network
docker network create -d bridge network-name

# use designated bridge as the network bridge when starting the container
docker run -b bridge-name image-name



      本文标题:[ Docker ] 常用命令
