提前5分钟到指定线上教室做好课程准备 2. Find a quiet place to have this class. 请在安静的环境下参加线上课程 3. Keep quiet when others are talking. 在别人发言时请保持安静 4. Don't eat during the class. 在课堂进行中请不要吃东西 5. When you are talking, don't be so loud. 在说话时请不要大声喧哗 6. Don't move around during the class. 在课程进行中请不要随意走动 7. Listen to your teacher carefully. 在课堂上注意听老师讲课 8. If you have to talk to someone not in the class mute your mic. 如有特殊情况需与课堂无关人员对话,请自行静音麦克风 9. Prepare everything you need for the class beforehand. 提前准备好课上需要的东西,如书本文具等。 10. If there is any problem ask your teacher for help. 如果有特殊情况,寻求老师帮助 11. Do not use the function key on your screen until the teacher allows you. 除非老师允许,不要随意触碰屏幕上的任何功能键