作者: Rutona | 来源:发表于2019-11-23 07:41 被阅读0次

1/VPM opening guest introduction

DOT, as you know EF Phoenixies, where leaders are born

2/new member welcome


内容 storyline very clear.  there are three points to describe Norwegians vividly. love sunshine and nature. reflect their pure heart they respect and honest to themselves.


you are a passionate speaker. We can feel your emotions.  we are engaged in your stories. like listen to a story before sleep.


if we're talking about the objective on the manual, suggestions Grant gave you ---- clearer key message. need further improvement.

but if we're talking about good speech. I have different opinions. I believe great work have different interpretations. Harmlet. What do you here in Wanda's story? I want to make friends with... I want to visit Norway one day.  Live a simple and happy life? go into the nature. respect your inner peace? I believe you did it.

while I could only say that in toastmasters, the audience expect a strong influencing speech with high association. several example for you. most of people know the joke of Norwegians that they are not good at social. the easiest way may be design this as the opening to create a higher association and generate more thinking from outside.


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