

作者: 小贴贴七夏 | 来源:发表于2017-12-31 20:36 被阅读23次

雅歌 8:1-7;
唱诗:赞美诗 40:1;

……因为爱情如死之坚强。嫉恨如阴间之残忍……(歌 8:6)

解经家们同意,雅歌书8: 5-7节是整卷书的“文学高潮”。这段经文说的可能是婚礼圆满结束之后的这段时光。那是一段奇妙而难忘的体验,新娘和新郎一起体验了爱情的力量。



《雅歌》经常被解释为一个喻表,指向基督和教会的关系。我们不能忽视这一点,因为基督对教会的牺牲之爱,正是所有已婚之人的终极榜样。(参见以弗所书5:22 - 33和赞美诗40)


January 21
Song of Songs 8:1-7
Song: Hymn 40:1


...for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave..”(Song of Songs 8:6)

Explainers agree that Song of Songs 8:5-7 give us the “literary climax” of the entire book. This passage may speak about the time when the marriage between the lovers is consummated. This is an amazing and unforgettable experience. Bride and groom have together experienced the power of love.

Marital love is compared to being strong as death, unyielding as the grave, and unquenchable as a blazing fire. These comparisons may Surprise us, but we can understand their meaning. Death is strong; it does not let someone go. Once we are in the grip of true love ,it, too, does not let go. The word "jealousy" conveys a similar thought. Love allows for no other because it is exclusive. And since it burns like a blazing fire, husband and wife will seek one another time and again to seal their love.

The power of love is strong. But it does not stand on its own. It is rooted in faith and functions in hope. Because faith is lacking in this world. We often see the breakdown of love and the destruction of marriage. Yet what is written in the Song of Songs is normative. Our human love must find its strength in the Lord.Otherwise it becomes self-seeking and self-destructive.

Song of Songs has often been explained as an allegory referring to the relationship between Christ and his church. We should not throw this element overboard, for the sacrificing love of Christ is the ultimate example for all who are married (see Ephesians 5:22-33 and Hymn 40).

Question: What is the message of Song of Songs when it comes to the proper functioning of our love?


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