

作者: 西谷haul | 来源:发表于2022-11-12 12:55 被阅读0次

其实是mysql ;(分号的问题)。
可以采用delimiter //解决问题



CREATE PROCEDURE `count_orthopedic`(in column_id VARCHAR(20))
 declare sample_count int default 0;
 declare count_pre_t int default 0;
 declare count_tn int default 0;
 declare count_fn int default 0;
 declare count_fp int default 0;
 declare count_tp int default 0;

 select count(1) from model_orthopedic_column_log m where m.column_id=column_id into sample_count;
 select count(1) from model_log where model_type = '10' and score ='1' into count_pre_t;
 select count(1) from model_log ml inner join model_orthopedic_column_log m on ml.id = m.model_id  where m.column_id=column_id and m.res = 0 and ml.model_type = '10' and ml.score ='0' into count_tn;
 select count(1) from model_log ml inner join model_orthopedic_column_log m on ml.id = m.model_id  where m.column_id=column_id and m.res = 1 and ml.model_type = '10' and ml.score ='0' into count_fn;
 select count(1) from model_log ml inner join model_orthopedic_column_log m on ml.id = m.model_id  where m.column_id=column_id and m.res = 0 and ml.model_type = '10' and ml.score ='1' into count_fp;
 select count(1) from model_log ml inner join model_orthopedic_column_log m on ml.id = m.model_id  where m.column_id=column_id and m.res = 1 and ml.model_type = '10' and ml.score ='1' into count_tp;

 select 1 'id',sample_count, count_pre_t,count_tn,count_fn,count_fp,count_tp;


delimiter //
CREATE PROCEDURE `count_orthopedic`(in column_id VARCHAR(20))
 declare sample_count int default 0;#样本数
 declare count_pre_t int default 0;#预测好转数
 declare count_tn int default 0;
 declare count_fn int default 0;
 declare count_fp int default 0;
 declare count_tp int default 0;

 select count(1) from model_orthopedic_column_log m where m.column_id=column_id into sample_count;
 select count(1) from model_log where model_type = '10' and score ='1' into count_pre_t;
 select count(1) from model_log ml inner join model_orthopedic_column_log m on ml.id = m.model_id  where m.column_id=column_id and m.res = 0 and ml.model_type = '10' and ml.score ='0' into count_tn;
 select count(1) from model_log ml inner join model_orthopedic_column_log m on ml.id = m.model_id  where m.column_id=column_id and m.res = 1 and ml.model_type = '10' and ml.score ='0' into count_fn;
 select count(1) from model_log ml inner join model_orthopedic_column_log m on ml.id = m.model_id  where m.column_id=column_id and m.res = 0 and ml.model_type = '10' and ml.score ='1' into count_fp;
 select count(1) from model_log ml inner join model_orthopedic_column_log m on ml.id = m.model_id  where m.column_id=column_id and m.res = 1 and ml.model_type = '10' and ml.score ='1' into count_tp;

 select 1 'id',sample_count, count_pre_t,count_tn,count_fn,count_fp,count_tp;
end //


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