Just moved from a windows XP OS machine to a windows 7 OS machine.
Using Allegro 16.5 and Allegro 16.6
The images I get from Capture Canvas Image, are blank.
I have run the tools as a user and as an admin, not difference.
Have tried saving in all 3 formats, jpg, tiff and dib.
Any suggestions?
Note: Worked very nicely on tthe XP box.
(使用Cadence ,File,Capture Canvas Image功能出错,截图全白)
You can either get the latest hotfix from Cadence support \ Channel Partner which should resolve the issue or change your PC display settings from Windows Aero theme to Classic or Basic. Try a right click on the display followed by Personalize and then choose either Windows 7 Basic or Windows Classic. The Capture Canvas image will now work. You might not like the "basic" views of Windows - hence get the latest hotfix and that resolves the issue.
Hotfix "Hotfix_SPB16.60.035_wint_1of1" solved the problem nicely. Thank you!