

作者: ngugg | 来源:发表于2018-11-05 17:02 被阅读11次

    21. DataSet subclasses (specific DataSet styling)

    This wiki entry focuses on the subclasses of the DataSet class. All other subclasses of DataSetnot mentioned here do not provide any specific enhancements.
    - 此wiki条目侧重于DataSet类的子类。 此处提到的DataSet的所有其他子类都不提供任何特定的增强功能。

    Line-, Bar-, Scatter-, Bubble- & CandleDataSet (below mentioned methods can be used for any of the mentioned DataSet classes)
    - 下面提到的方法可以用于任何提到的DataSet类)

    • setHighLightColor(int color): Sets the color that is used for drawing the highlight indicators. Don't forget to resolve the color using getResources().getColor(...) or Color.rgb(...) (or simply Color.BLACK).
      • setHighLightColor(int color):设置用于绘制高光指示符的颜色。 不要忘记使用getResources()。getColor(...)或Color.rgb(...)(或简称Color.BLACK)来解析颜色。

    Line-, Bar-, Scatter-, Candle- & RadarDataSet

    • setDrawHighlightIndicators(boolean enabled): Enables / disables both vertical and horizontal highlight indicator lines. Call setDrawVerticalHighlightIndicator(...) and setDrawHorizontalHighlightIndicator(...) for individual configuration.

      • setDrawHighlightIndicators(boolean enabled):启用/禁用垂直和水平高亮显示指示符行。 为单个配置调用setDrawVerticalHighlightIndicator(...)和setDrawHorizontalHighlightIndicator(...)。
    • setHighlightLineWidth(float width): Sets the width of the highlight lines (crosshairs) in dp.

      • setHighlightLineWidth(float width):设置dp中高光线(十字准线)的宽度。

    Line- & RadarDataSet (methods only for LineDataSet and RadarDataSet)

    • setFillColor(int color): Sets the color that is used for filling the line surface.

      • setFillColor(int color):设置用于填充线条曲面的颜色。
    • setFillAlpha(int alpha): Sets the alpha value (transparency) that is used for filling the line surface (0-255), default: 85, 255 = fully opaque, 0 = fully transparent

      • setFillAlpha(int alpha):设置用于填充线表面的alpha值(透明度)(0-255),默认值:85,255 =完全不透明,0 =完全透明
    • setFillDrawable(Drawable d): Sets a Drawable that should cover the fill-area. This also allows to use gradients.

      • setFillDrawable(Drawable d):设置应覆盖填充区域的Drawable。 这也允许使用渐变。
    • setDrawFilled(boolean filled): Set to true if the DataSet should be drawn filled (surface, area), and not just as a line, disabling this will give a performance boost. Please note that this method uses the canvas.clipPath(...) method for drawing the filled area. For devices with API level < 18 (Android 4.3), hardware acceleration of the chart should be turned off - see here. Default: false

      • setDrawFilled(boolean filled):如果应该绘制填充的数据集(表面,区域),而不仅仅是一行,则设置为true,禁用此选项将提高性能。 请注意,此方法使用canvas.clipPath(...)方法绘制填充区域。 对于API级别<18(Android 4.3)的设备,应关闭图表的硬件加速 - 请参见此处。 默认值:false
    • setLineWidth(float width): Set the line width for this DataSet (min = 0.2f, max = 10f); default 1f NOTE: thinner line == better performance, thicker line == worse performance

      • setLineWidth(float width):设置此DataSet的行宽(min = 0.2f,max = 10f); 默认1f注意:更细的线==更好的性能,更粗的线==更差的性能

    Below mentioned methods are only applicable for the specifically mentioned DataSet subclass.

    • 下面提到的方法仅适用于特别提到的DataSet子类。

    LineDataSet (class LineDataSet)

    • setCircleRadius(float size): Sets the size (radius) of the circle shaped value indicators, default size = 4f

      • setCircleRadius(float size):设置圆形值指标的大小(半径),默认大小= 4f
    • setDrawCircles(boolean enabled): Set this to true to enable the drawing of circle indicators for this LineDataSet, default true

      • setDrawCircles(boolean enabled):将此属性设置为true以启用此LineDataSet的圆形指示器绘制,默认为true
    • setDrawCubic(boolean enabled): If set to true, the linechart lines are drawn in cubic-style instead of linear. This has a negative effect on performance! Default: false

      • setDrawCubic(boolean enabled):如果设置为true,则线条图线以立方体样式而不是线性线条绘制。 这对性能有负面影响! 默认值:false
    • setCubicIntensity(float intensity): Sets the intensity for cubic lines (if enabled). Max = 1f = very cubic, Min = 0.05f = low cubic effect, Default: 0.2f

      • setCubicIntensity(float intensity):设置立方线的强度(如果启用)。 Max = 1f =非常立方,Min = 0.05f =低立方效应,默认值:0.2f
    • setCircleColor(int color): Sets the color all circle indicators of this dataset should have.

      • setCircleColor(int color):设置此数据集应具有的所有圆圈指示符的颜色。
    • setCircleColors(List colors): Sets the colors the outer-circles of this LineDataSetshould have. There are various other methods for setting circle colors as well.

      • setCircleColors(List colors):设置此LineDataSet的外圆所具有的颜色。 还有各种其他方法来设置圆形颜色。
    • setCircleColorHole(int color): Sets the color of the inner circle of the line-circles (the hole).

      • setCircleColorHole(int color):设置直线圆(孔)的内圆的颜色。
    • setDrawCircleHole(boolean enabled): Set this to true to allow drawing a hole in each circle of this dataset. If set to false, circles will be drawn filled (without hole).

      • setDrawCircleHole(boolean enabled):将此值设置为true以允许在此数据集的每个圆中绘制一个孔。 如果设置为false,则将绘制圆圈(无孔)。
    • enableDashedLine(float lineLength, float spaceLength, float phase): Enables the line to be drawn in dashed mode, e.g. like this "- - - - - -". "lineLength" is the length of the line pieces, "spaceLength" is the length of space in between the pieces, "phase" is the offset, in degrees (normally, use 0)

      • enableDashedLine(float lineLength,float spaceLength,float phase):允许以虚线模式绘制线条,例如 像这样 ”- - - - - -”。 “lineLength”是线条的长度,“spaceLength”是各块之间的空间长度,“phase”是偏移量,以度为单位(通常使用0)

    BarDataSet (class BarDataSet)

    • setBarSpacePercent(float percent): Sets the space between the bars in percent of the total bar width.

      • setBarSpacePercent(float percent):以总条宽的百分比设置条之间的间距。
    • setBarShadowColor(int color): Sets the color used for drawing the bar-shadows. The bar shadows is a surface behind the bar that indicates the maximum value. Don't for get to use getResources().getColor(...) to set this. Or Color.rgb(...).

      • setBarShadowColor(int color):设置用于绘制条形阴影的颜色。 条形阴影是条形图后面的一个表示最大值的表面。 不要使用getResources()。getColor(...)来设置它。 或者Color.rgb(...)。
    • setHighLightAlpha(int alpha): Set the alpha value (transparency) that is used for drawing the highlight indicator bar. min = 0 (fully transparent), max = 255 (fully opaque).

      • setHighLightAlpha(int alpha):设置用于绘制高亮显示指示条的alpha值(透明度)。 min = 0(完全透明),max = 255(完全不透明)。
    • setStackLabels(String[] labels): Sets labels for different values of bar-stacks, in case there are one.

      • setStackLabels(String [] labels):为条形图堆栈的不同值设置标签(如果有的话)。

    ScatterDataSet (class ScatterDataSet)

    • setScatterShapeSize(float size): Sets the size in density pixels the drawn scattershape will have. This only applies for non custom shapes.
      • setScatterShapeSize(float size):设置绘制的scattershape将具有的密度像素大小。 这仅适用于非自定义形状。
    • setScatterShape(ScatterShape shape): Sets the shape that is drawn on the position where the values are at.
      • setScatterShape(ScatterShape shape):设置在值所在的位置绘制的形状。

    CandleDataSet (class CandleDataSet)

    • setBodySpace(float space): Sets the space that is left out on the left and right side of each candle body, default 0.1f (10%), max 0.45f, min 0f
      • setBodySpace(float space):设置每个烛体左侧和右侧遗漏的空间,默认为0.1f(10%),最大0.45f,min 0f
    • setShadowWidth(float width): Sets the width of the candle-shadow-line in dp. Default 3f.
      • setShadowWidth(float width):以dp为单位设置蜡烛阴影线的宽度。 默认3f。
    • setShadowColor(int color): Sets the color of the candle-shadow-line.
      • setShadowColor(int color):设置蜡烛阴影线的颜色。
    • setDecreasingColor(int color): Sets the one and ONLY color that should be used for this DataSet when open > close.
      • setDecreasingColor(int color):设置打开>关闭时应该用于此DataSet的唯一颜色。
    • setIncreasingColor(int color): Sets the one and ONLY color that should be used for this DataSet when open <= close.
      • setIncreasingColor(int color):设置打开<= close时应该用于此DataSet的唯一颜色。
    • setDecreasingPaintStyle(Paint.Style style): Sets paint style when open > close (fill or stroke).
      • setDecreasingPaintStyle(Paint.Style style):在打开>关闭(填充或描边)时设置绘画样式。
    • setIncreasingPaintStyle(Paint.Style style): Sets paint style when open <= close (fill or stroke).
      • setIncreasingPaintStyle(Paint.Style style):设置打开时的绘画样式<=关闭(填充或描边)。

    BubbleDataSet (class BubbleDataSet)

    • setHighlightCircleWidth(float width): Sets the width of the circle that surrounds the bubble when in highlighted state, in dp.
      • setHighlightCircleWidth(float width):设置处于高亮状态时围绕气泡的圆的宽度,单位为dp。

    Information concerning CandleDataSet colors: The usual setColors(...), setColor(...), ... methods can still be used for coloring the chart all at once. If specific colors (for body, shadow, ...) are needed, use the above mentioned methods.

    • 有关CandleDataSet颜色的信息:通常的setColors(...),setColor(...),...方法仍然可以用于一次着色图表。 如果需要特定颜色(用于身体,阴影......),请使用上述方法。

    PieDataSet (class PieDataSet)

    • setSliceSpace(float degrees): Sets the space that is left out between the piechart-slices in dp, default: 0 --> no space, maximum 20, minimum 0 (no space)
      • setSliceSpace(float degrees):设置dp中饼图切片之间遗漏的空间,默认值:0 - >无空格,最大20,最小0(无空格)
    • setSelectionShift(float shift): Sets the distance the highlighted piechart-slice of this DataSet is "shifted" away from the center of the chart, default 12f
      • setSelectionShift(float shift):设置此DataSet的突出显示的饼图切片远离图表中心“移位”的距离,默认为12f

    22. The ViewPortHandler

    The ViewPortHandler class is responsible for handling the view-port of the chart. This means it's responsible for what is visible in the chart-view, it's current state in terms of translation and zoom / scale level, the size of the chart and it's drawing area and current offsets. The ViewPortHandler allows to directly access all the above mentioned properties and modify them.

    • ViewPortHandler类负责处理图表的视口。 这意味着它负责图表视图中可见的内容,它是转换和缩放/比例级别的当前状态,图表的大小以及它的绘图区域和当前偏移。 ViewPortHandler允许直接访问所有上述属性并进行修改。

    Unlike modifying the view-port via the Chart class, as described here, modifying the ViewPortHandler directly is not always a completely safe way of changing what is visible and should be performed with care by a person familiar with the API. Incorrect use can lead to unexpected behaviour. However, the ViewPortHandler offers more advanced methods of view-port modification.

    • 与通过Chart类修改视图端口不同,如此处所述,直接修改ViewPortHandler并不总是一种完全安全的方式来更改可见内容并且应该由熟悉API的人员小心执行。 使用不当可能会导致意外行为。 但是,ViewPortHandler提供了更高级的视口修改方法。

    Getting an instance

    An instance of the ViewPortHandler can be acquired the following way only:

    • ViewPortHandler的实例只能通过以下方式获取:
    ViewPortHandler handler = chart.getViewPortHandler();

    Scale & Translation

    • 规模与翻译
    • getScaleX(): Returns the current scale / zoom level on the x-axis.
      • getScaleX():返回x轴上的当前缩放/缩放级别。
    • getScaleY(): Returns the current scale / zoom level on the y-axis.
      • getScaleY():返回y轴上的当前缩放/缩放级别。
    • getTransX(): Returns the current translation (movement) on the x-axis.
      • getTransX():返回x轴上的当前平移(移动)。
    • getTransY(): Returns the current translation (movement) on the y-axis.
      • getTransY():返回y轴上的当前平移(移动)。

    Chart dimensions & content

    • 图表尺寸和内容
    • getChartWidth(): Returns the width of the chart.
      • getChartWidth():返回图表的宽度。
    • getChartHeight(): Returns the height of the chart.
      • getChartHeight():返回图表的高度。
    • getContentRect(): Returns the current content area as a RectF object.
    • getContentRect():以RectF对象的形式返回当前内容区域。

    More methods can be found in the JavaDocs or via studying the API.

    • 可以在JavaDocs中找到更多方法,也可以通过研究API来找到。

    23. Customizing the Fill-Line-Position (FillFormatter)

    The FillFormatter interface allows to customize where the filled line of a LineDataSet should end. All that needs to be done is create a new class and implement the FillFormatter interface. Use the

    • FillFormatter接口允许自定义LineDataSet的填充行应该结束的位置。 所有需要做的就是创建一个新类并实现FillFormatter接口。 使用
    public float getFillLinePosition(LineDataSet dataSet, LineDataProvider provider)

    method of the interface for implementing a custom logic that calculates the ending point of the fill line for the individual LineDataSet.

    • 用于实现自定义逻辑的接口的方法,该逻辑计算单个LineDataSet的填充线的终点。

    Creating a class the implements the interface:

    • 创建一个实现接口的类:
    public class MyCustomFillFormatter implements FillFormatter {
        public float getFillLinePosition(LineDataSet dataSet, LineDataProvider dataProvider) {
            float myDesiredFillPosition = ...;
            // put your logic here...
            return myDesiredFillPosition;

    And then set the custom-formatter to your LineDataSet:

    • 然后将自定义格式化程序设置为LineDataSet:
    lineDataSet.setFillFormatter(new MyCustomFillFormatter());

    Here is the default implementation (logic) of the DefaultFillFormatter.

    • 这是DefaultFillFormatter的默认实现(逻辑)。

    24. Proguard

    In case you are using Proguard, you will need to whitelist MPAndroidChart, which requires to add the following line to your Proguard configuration file:

    • 如果您使用的是Proguard,则需要将MPAndroidChart列入白名单,这需要在Proguard配置文件中添加以下行:
    -keep class com.github.mikephil.charting.** { *; }

    If you don't do this, animations might not work.

    • 如果您不这样做,动画可能无法正常工作。

    If you are having issues with the Realm.io classes, add the following to your config file:

    • 如果您遇到Realm.io类问题,请将以下内容添加到配置文件中:
    -dontwarn io.realm.**

    Additional information on Proguard.

    • 有关Proguard的其他信息。

    25. Realm.io mobile database

    Please refer to the official MPAndroidChart-Realm repository to - plot data directly from Realm database with MPAndroidChart.

    • 请参考官方MPAndroidChart-Realm存储库,使用MPAndroidChart直接从Realm数据库绘制数据。

    A detailed guide can be found here.

    • 可在此处找到详细指南。

    26. Xamarin

    27. Creating your own (custom) DataSets

    Since v2.2.0, MPAndroidChart allows you to easily create your own custom DataSet objects and use them in the charts.

    • 从v2.2.0开始,MPAndroidChart允许您轻松创建自己的自定义DataSet对象并在图表中使用它们。

    What you need to do

    • 你需要做什么
    • Create your own custom class (e.g. CustomDataSet)
      • 创建自己的自定义类(例如CustomDataSet)
    • Let it extend BaseDataSet<? extends Entry>
      • 让它扩展BaseDataSet <? 扩展Entry>
    • Let it implement the IDataSet interface of your choice (e.g. IBarDataSet) - depending on the kind of chart you want to create
      • 让它实现您选择的IDataSet接口(例如IBarDataSet) - 具体取决于您要创建的图表类型
    • Implement all (by you) required methods and let them return your values of choice
      • 实现所有(由您)所需的方法,让它们返回您选择的值


    Creating a custom BarDataSet to be used in a BarChart.

    • 创建要在BarChart中使用的自定义BarDataSet。
    public class CustomBarDataSet extends BaseDataSet<BarEntry> implements IBarDataSet {
        // implement all by the extended class and interface required methods

    After creating the CustomBarDataSet and implementing all methods required by the interface it can be used in any BarChart just like a normal BarDataSet.

    • 在创建CustomBarDataSet并实现接口所需的所有方法之后,它可以在任何BarChart中使用,就像普通的BarDataSet一样。

    28. Miscellaneous (more useful stuff)

    Chart content
    • clear(): Clears the chart of all data (by setting the data object to null). Calls invalidate() to refresh the chart.
      • clear():清除所有数据的图表(通过将数据对象设置为null)。 调用invalidate()来刷新图表。
    • clearValues(): Clears the chart of all DataSet objects and thereby all Entries. Does not remove the provided x-values from the chart. Calls invalidate() to refresh the chart.
      • clearValues():清除所有DataSet对象的图表,从而清除所有条目。 不从图表中删除提供的x值。 调用invalidate()来刷新图表。
    • isEmpty(): Will return true if the charts data object is null, or if it contains no entries.
      • isEmpty():如果图表数据对象为空,或者它不包含任何条目,则返回true。
    Useful getter methods
    • 有用的getter方法

    • getData(): Will return the data object you set for the chart.

      • getData():将返回您为图表设置的数据对象。
    • getViewPortHandler(): Will return ViewPortHandler object of the chart that contains information about the charts size and bounds (offsets, content-area), as well as about the charts current scale (zoom) and translation (scrolling) state.

      • getViewPortHandler():将返回图表的ViewPortHandler对象,其中包含有关图表大小和边界(偏移,内容区域)的信息,以及有关图表当前比例(缩放)和平移(滚动)状态的信息。
    • getRenderer(): Returns the main DataRenderer that is responsible for drawing the chart data.

      • getRenderer():返回负责绘制图表数据的主DataRenderer。
    • getCenter(): Returns the center point of the whole chart-view.

      • getCenter():返回整个图表视图的中心点。
    • getCenterOffsets(): Returns the center point of the chart drawing-area.

      • getCenterOffsets():返回图表绘图区域的中心点。
    • getPercentOfTotal(float value): Returns the percentage the provided value makes up of the total value-sum inside the chart.

      • getPercentOfTotal(float value):返回提供的值构成图表内总和值的百分比。
    • getYMin(): Returns lowest value the chart holds.

      • getYMin():返回图表所包含的最低值。
    • getYMax(): Returns biggest value the chart holds.

      • getYMax():返回图表所包含的最大值。
    • getLowestVisibleXIndex(): Returns the lowest x-index (value on the x-axis) that is still visible on the chart.

      • getLowestVisibleXIndex():返回在图表上仍然可见的最低x-index(x轴上的值)。
    • getHighestVisibleXIndex(): Returns the highest x-index (value on the x-axis) that is still visible on the chart.

      • getHighestVisibleXIndex():返回在图表上仍然可见的最高x-index(x轴上的值)。
    Some more methods (of the Chart class)
    • saveToGallery(String title): Saves the current chart state as an image to the gallery. Don't forget to add "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" permission to your manifest.

      • saveToGallery(String title):将当前图表状态作为图像保存到库中。 不要忘记为清单添加“WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE”权限。
    • saveToPath(String title, String pathOnSD): Saves the current chart state as an image to the specified path. Don't forget to add "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" permission to your manifest.

      • saveToPath(String title,String pathOnSD):将当前图表状态保存为指定路径的图像。 不要忘记为清单添加“WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE”权限。
    • getChartBitmap(): Returns the Bitmap object that represents the chart, this Bitmap always contains the latest drawing state of the chart.

      • getChartBitmap():返回表示图表的Bitmap对象,此Bitmap始终包含图表的最新绘图状态。
    • setHardwareAccelerationEnabled(boolean enabled): Allows to enable/disable hardware acceleration for the chart, only API level 11+.

      • setHardwareAccelerationEnabled(boolean enabled):允许启用/禁用图表的硬件加速,仅限API级别11+。



