新概念英语智慧版第一册Lesson76 When did you

新概念英语智慧版第一册Lesson76 When did you

作者: 生命中最美的是成长 | 来源:发表于2023-09-30 07:15 被阅读0次

    Lesson76 When did you...?你什么时候......?

    一.Look,listen and repeat.


    this week  last week  the week before last

    this mouth last mouththe month before last

    this year  last year the year before last

    a minute          two minutes

    an hour            five hours

    a day    AGO      three days  AGO

    a week              two weeks

    a month              four months

    a year                six years


    looked at a photograph

    When did you look at that photograph?

    An hour ago.

    I looked at that photograph an hour ago.


    jumped off the wall

    When did the cat jump off the wall?

    A minute ago.

    It jumped off the wall a minute ago.


    walked across the park

    When did he walk across the park?

    Last week.

    He walked across the park last week.


    washed his hands

    When did he wash his hands?

    Five minutes ago.

    He washed his hands five minutes ago.


    worked in an office

    When did you work in an office?

    The year before last.

    I worked in an office the year before last.


    asked a question

    When did she ask a question?

    An hour ago.

    She asked a question an hour ago.


    typed those letters

    When did she type those letters?

    A month ago.

    She typed those letters a month ago.


    watched television

    When did they watch television?

    Every day this week.

    They watched television every day this week.


    talked to the salesman

    When did Mrs.Mills talk to the salesman?

    Last month.

    She talked to the salesman last month.


    thanked her father

    When did she thank her father?

    An hour ago.

    She thanked her father an hour ago.


    dusted the cupboard

    When did she dust the cupboard?

    Three days ago.

    She dusted the cupboard three days ago.


    painted that bookcase

    When did he paint that bookcase?

    The year before last.

    He painted that bookcase the year before last.


    waited at the bus stop

    When did they wait at the bus stop?

    Half an hour ago.

    They waited at the bus stop half an hour ago.


    wanted a car like that one

    When did he want a car like that one?

    Last year.

    He wanted a car like that one last year.


    greeted her

    When did you greet her?

    The day before yesterday.

    I greeted her the day before yesterday.

    二.Written exercises书面练习

    A  Rewrite these sentences.



    She goes to town every day.

    She went to town yesterday.

    1.She meets her friends every day.

    She met her friends yesterday.

    2.They drink some milk every day.

    They drank some milk yesterday.

    3.He swims in the river every day.

    He swam in the river yesterday.

    4.She takes him to school every day.

    She took him to school yesterday.

    5.He cuts himself every morning.

    He cut himself yesterday morning.

    B  Write questions and answers.



    look at that photograph/an hour ago

    When did you look at that photograph?

    I looked at that photograph an hour ago.

    1.walk across the park/last week

    When did you walk across the park?

    I walked across the park last week.

    2.wash your hands/a minute ago

    When did you wash your hands?

    I washed your hands a minute ago.

    3.work in an office/the year before last

    When did you work in an office?

    I worked in an office the year before last.

    4.ask a question/five minutes ago

    When did you ask a question?

    I asked a question five minutes ago.

    5.type those letters/a month ago

    When did you type those letters?

    I typed  those letters a month ago.

    6.watch television/every day this week

    When did you watch television?

    I watched television every day this week.

    7.talk to the shop assistant/last month

    When did you talk to the shop assistant?

    I talked to the shop assistant last month.

    8.thank your father/an hour ago

    When did you thank your father?

    I thanked your father an hour ago.

    9.dust the cupboard/three days ago

    When did you dust the cupboard?

    I dusted the cupboard three days ago.

    10.paint that bookcase/the year before last

    When did you paint that bookcase?

    I painted that bookcase the year before last.

    11.want a car like that one/a year ago

    When did you want a car like that one?

    I wanted a car like that one a year ago.

    12.greet her/a minute ago

    When did you greet her?

    I greeted her a minute ago.



        本文标题:新概念英语智慧版第一册Lesson76 When did you
