MGF 637: Financial ModelingSpring 2019Extra Credit AssignmentInstructions: This is an extra credit opportunity for those who want it. In exchange for qualitycompletion, I will drop your lowest Quiz grade in the course.R is a powerful data program, and while our class focuses very specifically on time-series ARIMA-GARCHmodeling, there are all sorts of packages and features out there (think Quantmod). The goal of this extracredit is to help all of us, as well as future semesters, by discovering interesting R code/scripts that maybe useful in our studies. What I’m looking for is the following:1) Find an interesting series of R information (code, scripts, programs, functions, etc.) that is notcovered in our modeling course (also do not explore Black-Scholes, as we will get to that). Thiscould be from textbooks, google searching, or any other research you choose.2) Create a PowerPoint deck of at least 10 slides that could be used to teach a 60-minute class onthe topic and material you’ve chosen. Think of our case studies, a ne代写MGF 637作业、代做R编程设计作业、Financial Modeling作业代做、代做R程序语言作业 代做R语言w way of tackling a newproblem, and you will pretend you are the Professor aiming to teach the content to a class ofbright-eyed, future Tim Apple’s3) There are no restrictions on what you choose, so long as it’s beneficial to us in the MSFinance/MBA Finance field. For example, Data Analysis, Data Manipulation, Data Formatting,Derivatives, Fixed Income, Stochastic Modeling, Portfolio Analysis, there are infinite possibilities4) Code must be included in PowerPoint slides with explanations to guide the class through WHYthis code is important and HOW to perform the code5) You must put a unique spin on the material such that it’s not complete plagiarism of theprevious work, depending on how much you’ve borrowed from another resource6) Include all citations in a final slide at the back of the PowerPoint to avoid lawsuits from MichaelAvenattiThe deadline for this extra credit opportunity is May 1st. If you have any questions, please reach outbefore submission to ensure I find the PowerPoint sufficient for the quiz drop. 转自: