Be optimistic (Nelson Mandela)

Be optimistic (Nelson Mandela)

作者: Mengtio | 来源:发表于2021-03-20 16:12 被阅读0次

    This quote is from political activist Mandela's 1994 autobiography "Long Walk to Freedom". He has more reasons to doubt humanity than anyone. And yet, he focused on the positive side of life, even when he could not see it. Mandela uses the phrase "head pointed toward the Sun" to describe his mindset while in prison. All of us will experience dark periods in our lives, whether that'd be sickness, job loss or even a breakup. In these times, it feels like the positive side of life has been eclipsed. We're so used to the status quo to those times when things are gong well in our lives that any disruption of that can be truly shocking.

    But if instead of focusing on the negative, we look to the positive future, we can alter our behavior and create that future. And this can look like any number of things, keeping mentally and physically fit, reconnecting with old friends, diving that project we always said we're going to do. It's tempting wallow in despair, but even baby steps will lead us in the right direction. The Sun, in Mandela's quote, is the bright future that we'll only arrive at if we prepare today. Our eyes might have to adjust, but the world is always waiting on the other side of dark times.



          本文标题:Be optimistic (Nelson Mandela)
