

作者: 駝駝小欣 | 来源:发表于2020-01-14 20:52 被阅读0次


One incident is still vivid at present in my mind after I went hiking with Jenny the other day. I was definitely not outdoorsy, and the reason why I opted to go hiking with Jenny was that I wanted to cater to her interest and I hoped to impress her and make her pleased during our date. But it turned out that Jenny was an expert in mountain climbing, having climbed over a hundred mountains of an enormous height and I couldn’t even catch up with her however hard I tried.

Finally, much to my relief, we got to the top feeling exhausted! I can barely breathe and my legs trembled. We saw the dense forest with wind gently blowing and, to our surprise, there was a huge, giant, and towering tree there! An idea flashed into my mind that maybe I could carve some messages on this tree in memory of our very first dating. I fetched my knife and started carving an “8” symbolic of the time we had spent here and two triangles to signify the height of this mountain.

Before I was about to carve the third character, I heard a horrifying scream let out from Jenny. She shouted, “What are you doing?” Then some passers-by came, and they also reproached me for what I was doing. I turned a blind eye to them for I thought that they had no right to blame me, and that I got the right to do whatever take my fancy! I still felt that it was worth doing to make Jenny impressed. How pig headed I was.

The table was turned after Jenny called a policeman! I was taken aback when I saw the police officers came intimidatingly with a gun in their pocket. Not until I saw the policeman did I cease doing such a stupid blunder. I was fined for a hefty NTD$10000! Though I insisted that I had every right for what I had done, I still learned the lesson not to violate the law to protect my money.


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