

作者: 浩然H_H | 来源:发表于2019-05-23 15:04 被阅读2次




verb: appreciate; 3rd person present: appreciates; past tense: appreciated; past participle: appreciated; gerund or present participle: appreciating

  1. recognize the full worth of.

    "she feels that he does not appreciate her"

    synonyms: value, respect, prize, cherish, treasure, admire, hold in high regard, hold in esteem, rate highly, think highly of, think much of, have a high opinion of, set (great) store by

    "by this time, the college appreciated me rather more"

    • be grateful for (something).

      "I'd appreciate any information you could give me"

      synonyms: be grateful for, be thankful for, give thanks for, be obliged for, be indebted for, be beholden for, be in your debt for, be appreciative of

      "I'd appreciate any advice you can give"

      antonyms: disparage

  2. understand (a situation) fully; recognize the full implications of.

    "they failed to appreciate the pressure he was under"

    synonyms: acknowledge, recognize, realize, know; be aware of, be conscious of, be cognizant of; be alive to, be sensitive to, be alert to; sympathize with, understand, comprehend, perceive, discern; informaltake on board, be wise to

    "I appreciate the problems of administration that would make this arrangement impractical"

    antonyms: be unaware of

  3. rise in value or price.

    "they expected the house to appreciate in value"

    synonyms: increase, gain, grow, build up, rise, go up, mount, inflate, escalate, soar, rocket; improve, enhance

    "with good advice a couple can buy a home that will appreciate in value"

    antonyms: depreciate, decrease



  • 我可以自在地呼吸,一口接着一口
  • 可以吃东西,喝水,牙齿虽然开始出毛病,但是目前几乎所有喜欢吃的东西都能嚼得烂,吃得下
  • 四肢健全,可以想去哪里,就自己走去哪里
  • 虽然近视眼,带上眼镜就可以看到蓝天、白云、绿树、鲜花
  • 虽然有鼻炎,却一点都不耽误闻到食物的香气、花的香气,各种个样的味道
  • 爸爸妈妈身体健康,还能一起吃饭聊天互相发脾气
  • 大宝阿宝身体健康,每天快快乐乐地在老家和家人和小黑一起逍遥
  • Coco也身体健康地成长着,虽然正在经历各种成长的烦恼
  • 早上起来,不必担心这一天会有任何饥渴之忧
  • 早上起来,环顾这四周和平的环境,不必担心这一天会有任何性命之忧,遭受伤害的危险
  • 夜晚来临,不论外面风雨多大,可以回到家里,洗漱干净,有温暖舒适的床褥等待着自己一夜好眠
  • 无聊时可以看书、看视频、刷手机
  • 可以随时随地上网,享受没有边界的互联网
  • 虽然暂时一无所有、大宝却从未嫌弃过我这一点
  • 其实,根本不是一无所有,上面所列的这些,都是我已经拥有的所有,甚至拿掉任何一点,都是无法想象和接受的
  • 虽然还没帮刘老爷赚到钱,他却毫不吝惜地按时给我发生活费,请我一顿又一顿的吃饭
  • 感觉无法穷举这一切奇迹是怎样汇聚在身边
  • 而且,自己还可以期待、计划着更多更多




