React Developer应该了解的一些JS语法糖

React Developer应该了解的一些JS语法糖

作者: guangtoutou | 来源:发表于2018-08-31 16:12 被阅读0次

    var vs let vs const

    var: function block. If declared globally, scope is global.
    let: block level
    const: block level

    /*Using var to declare variables*/
    function usingVar(){
         for(var i=0;i<2;i++){                     // var declaration
             console.log('In loop: '+ i);
         console.log('After loop : '+ i);
    In loop: 0
    In loop: 1
    After loop: 2
    /*Using let to declare variables*/
    function usingLet(){
         for(let i=0;i<2;i++){                     // let declaration
             console.log('In loop: '+ i);
         console.log('After loop : '+ i);
    In loop: 0
    In loop: 1
    Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined  
    /* i is not available outside 'for' block because it is declared using let keyword*/


    Arrow functions

    /*If more than one parameters*/
    name = (one, two) => {
          return one + two;
    /*If only receive one parameter*/
    name = parameter => {
          return parameter;
    /*If no parameter*/
    name = () => {
          console.log('Hello World')
    /*If there is only a return statement, we can exclude {} and return*/
    name = (one,two) => one + two;

    this in array functions

    /*With simple callback function*/
    var self = this;
    /*With arrow functions as callback function*/

    Template Literals

    let name='Gurinder';
    let age= 25;
    let info= "My name is "+ name +" and age is "+ age +" years";
    /*Using template literals*/
    let name='Gurinder';
    let age= 25;
    let info= `My name is ${name} and age is ${age} years`

    Object Destructuring

         name : 'Gurinder',
         age : 25,
         website: 'gurindershergill.in'
    /*If we need to extract info of person object to variables
    Without Object Destructuring*/
    var name = person.name;
    var age= person.age;
    var website = person.website;
    /*Using Object Destructuring*/
    var {name, age, website} = person;      // this will create 3 variables and extract information from person object and will assign to variables.
    var {name:nm, website:web} = person     // if we want to use another name for variables other than object keys,we can use ":" to give alias name. 

    Spread Operator

    /*Object Cloning using spread operator*/
    var person = {
         name : 'Gurinder',
         age : 25,
         website: 'gurindershergill.in'
    var anotherPerson = {...person}    //Object clone, as simple as that
    /*Array Cloning using spread operator*/
    var numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
    var anotherNumbers = [...numbers]   // Array cloned
    /*Combining Objects*/
    /*We can easily combine multiples object and can also add more properties using spread operator*/
    var person = {
         name : 'Gurinder',
         age : 25,
         website: 'gurindershergill.in'
    var university = {
         uniName: 'Thapar University',
         location : 'Patiala'
    var fullInfo = {...person,...university, company:'Nagarro'};
    //This will create a new object by combining.
    /*Combining Arrays*/
    /*We can easily combine multiples arrays and can also add more items using spread operator*/
    var numbers = [1,2,3];
    var moreNumbers = [5,6,7,8];
    var allNumbers = [...numbers,4,...moreNumbers];
    //This will create a new array by combining.



          本文标题:React Developer应该了解的一些JS语法糖
