a thing on which a bird alights or roosts, typically a branch or a horizontal rod or bar in a birdcage.
Dead branches also make perfect perches for resting birds and are good places to hang feeders.
同义词: pole, rod, branch, roost, rest
connected with the sea, especially in relation to seafaring commercial or military activity.
a maritime museum
同义词: naval, marine, nautical, seafaring
the action of following or pursuing someone or something.
the cat crouched in the grass in pursuit of a bird
同义词: striving toward, quest after/for, search for, aim, goal
attribute something to (a cause).
he ascribed Jane's short temper to her upset stomach
同义词: attribute to, assign to, put down to
(of soil or land) producing or capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops.
fields along the fertile flood plains of the river
同义词: fecund, fruitful, productive
a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law.
A strong case, according to this view, includes the testimony of an eyewitness.
同义词: evidence, sworn statement
having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm.
keen believers in the monetary system
同义词: eager, anxious, intent, impatient
a small disk or cylinder of a compressed solid substance, typically a measured amount of a medicine or drug; a pill.
You can also take antihistamine tablets containing drugs such as cyclizine or cinnarizine to prevent travel or motion sickness.
同义词: pill, capsule, lozenge, caplet
a period of time in history or a person's life, typically one marked by notable events or particular characteristics.
the Victorian epoch
regard or consider in a specified way.
the event was deemed a great success
同义词: consider, regard as, judge
(of a person or their manner) unwilling or unable to believe something.
an incredulous gasp
同义词: disbelieving, skeptical, unbelieving
a very large or fiercely burning fire.
twenty fireman fought the blaze
同义词: fire, flames, conflagration, inferno
attempt to find (something).
they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds
同义词: search for, try to find
as a consequence; for this reason.
a stiff breeze and hence a high windchill
同义词: consequently, as a consequence
the conditions under which land or buildings are held or occupied.
But without exception, these big operations use leased land, with tenures typically of two to five years.
同义词: incumbency, term of office
apart; divided.
those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder
同义词: apart, up, in two, to pieces
17.the record of descent of an animal, showing it to be purebred.
‘In doing this they get to know the animals, their pedigrees and so on, as they need to have that kind of information for the competition,’ he commented.
the recorded ancestry, especially upper-class ancestry, of a person or family.
A complete clinical assessment, family history and pedigrees were all recorded in special case proformas.
同义词: ancestry, descent, lineage
more than one in number.
live in or at a specified place.
groups of gypsies still dwell in these caves
同义词: reside, live, be settled
a holder of land by feudal tenure on conditions of homage and allegiance.
Liege homage involved the vassal admitting his obligation to pay all services, including the provision of military assistance.
同义词: serf, dependent
- portion
a part of a whole; an amount, section, or piece of something.
a portion of the jetty still stands
同义词: part, piece
(of land) too poor to produce much or any vegetation.
What is immediately striking is the lushness of these high pastures - such a contrast to the common perception of Ethiopia as a barren land.
同义词: unproductive, infertile
small or insufficient in quantity or amount.
scanty wages
同义词: meager, scant, minimal - inhabits
(of a person, animal, or group) live in or occupy (a place or environment).
a bird that inhabits North America
同义词: live in/on, occupy, settle (in/on), people
a main road.
Chris avoided the high road and took a roundabout way through the woods - boundary
a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line.
the eastern boundary of the wilderness
同义词: border, frontier, borderline
slowaste water from a kitchen, bathroom, or chamber pot that has to be emptied by hand.
sink slopsp
a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.
After the Bronze Age, Amorites, Western Semites , Hyksos and Hittites successively invaded the area - tribes
a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.
indigenous Indian tribes
同义词: ethnic group, people
a person who has been taken prisoner or an animal that has been confined.
The United States government is forbidden by its own law from torturing captives and prisoners.
同义词: prisoner, convict, detainee