笃学奖-Topic 8-A13214-甘比精读

笃学奖-Topic 8-A13214-甘比精读

作者: 雷七一 | 来源:发表于2017-05-06 09:50 被阅读20次

Day 25 词句梳理


fuss 大惊小怪

It trasnspires that...

When it transpires that something is the case, people discover that it is the case. (人们) 发现[正式]

when it comes to parting with $...

part with此处作spend解

primetime television 电视的黄金时段

step into the role of 进入...的角色

go to court to claim 上法庭起诉

increase/surge/skyrocket 激增 boom 急速发展 dwindle 减少

purge oneself of 清洗、清除 此处指不购买伊万卡品牌的东西

all a question of aspiration 这只是渴望的问题

be imbued with=be filled with

imbue/ɪmˈbjuː/TEM-8 ( imbuing, imbued, imbues )

V-T If someone or somethingis imbuedwith an idea, feeling, or quality, they become filled with it. 灌输; 使充满[正式]

The film is imbued with the star's rebellious spirit.



buy into a brand 买进

elevate you among your peers 使你在同伴中出类拔萃

like/similar-minded 想法相近、志同道合之人

lauch themselves into the marketplace 进入市场

pitch oneself at 把自己定位在...

If somethingis pitchedata particular level or degree of difficulty, it is set at that level. 给…设定水平 (或难度)

While this is very important material I think it's probably pitched at too high a level for our students.


reach into = be up to 高达、达到

debut/ˈdeɪbjuː/vt.&vi. (产品等在市场上)初次出现,面世,首次推出

jangle 喊价、大胆地要价(?)(注释:用力地叫卖)

bounce them into broader market 闯入更大的市场

in the wake of=after


公开露面 public outing

手镯、脚镯 bangle

助手、副官 aide

有雄心壮志的;(生活形态等)梦寐以求的 aspirational (进取的)

今后;从今以后;自此以后 henceforward

这里指昂贵的手镯降价“屈尊”进入 be folded into

另一种悲哀,悲痛 as yet another woe

As yet another problem /complexifying factor

发生(于),对…发生;临到…头上,降临于 befall

ascension(上升) to power 掌权

日益减少的顾客兴趣dwindling consumer interes

irremediable whiff of toxicity

[,ɪrɪ'miːdɪəb(ə)l] 不可挽回的、无可补救的

whiff 些许


停止伊万卡品牌销售的禁令 injunction barring Ivanka Trump goods from sale

injunction 禁令

barring bar排斥,排挤,使在外,除去;禁止,不准(常与from连用):

He was barred from the contest.


They barred her participating.


萧条 bust




If you offload something that you do not want, you get rid of it by giving it or selling it to someone else. 清理; 转卖[英国英语]

条纹棉布 striped cotton

超过...的速度 oustrip the rate


A sackful is the amount of something that a sack contains or could contain. 一袋的

...a sackful of presents.


aggregator ['æɡrɪɡetɚ]

a business organization that collates the details of an individual's financial affairs so that the information can be presented on a single website 信息采集商业组织

保守的 conservative

别致的、时髦的 chicer (chic [ʃiːk] 的比较级)

最高级、高端的奢侈品 the highest echelon of luxury

['eʃəlɒn; 'eɪʃ-]等级; 阶层[正式]

...the lower echelons of society.


produce lines

asymmetric astin twill floral wrap-dress 不对称的奥斯汀斜纹印花裹身裙

[,æsɪ'metrɪk] 不对称的 symmetric

梅菲尔商店 Mayfair store

镀金的 gilt-lacquered

Day 26 




1.Last week, it was announced by the brand’s new president Abigail Klem (who stepped into the role in January) that the aspirational, fine-jewellery collection of which this bracelet was a prized example will henceforward be folded into the main line and made more accessible.

上周,该品牌一月份刚上任的主席阿比盖尔·克莱姆(Abigail Klem)声称,这样一个珍贵的手镯,一个蕴含希望、做工精致的珠宝藏品,将会以更亲民的价格跻身主线产品。

上周, 一月份正式上任的品牌新总裁Abigail Klem宣布:以此款手镯为经典产品的高端魅惑系列珠宝将融入主流产品线,更显亲民。
Fine-jewelry高端珠宝,和fashion jewelry时尚珠宝形成对比,fine jewelry未必是能够有现货的,如果有需求甚至需要提前预定,在宝石材质上一般也都是以五大贵宝石为主,对于追求品质的客户,甚至可以提出对宝石级别的要求,这样也基本等同于高级定制的范畴了。而fashion jewelry一般是指款式比较时尚的珠宝,在宝石材质上也会采用五大贵宝石,但也有半宝石作为主石,一般都是批量的成品生产,有库存的现货,基本不会接受客户的特定要求。
类似的表达还有Fine art, Fine dining。
Step into the role:进入角色
                  be made accessible: easy to obtain or use
                  eg. The need for a health service that is accessible to all
Main line是和fine jewelry collection形成对比,指针对大多数人群的主流产品线。

2.It’s tempting to read this as yet another woe in the catalogue of ills that have befallen the brand since President Donald Trump’s ascension to power.


(不确定this指的是上文的few folks还是本句接下来说的another woe。woe有想译作困扰、苦恼之事,但放在这样句型中不大读得通顺,感觉可以有比“困难”更贴切的词。)

It’s tempting to 也是第二次出现了哦~~~,原意是:….有诱惑力,衍生为倾向于…
Another woe in the catalogue of ills:很有意思的比喻,值得好好体会,但无需内化,作为被动储备即可。Ills不幸,疾病,catalogue of ills: 一系列的不幸,都能成册了~~

3.In particular, the brand’s inventory is skyrocketing on second-hand resale sites such as ThredUP, where demand for Ivanka Trump-branded products in conservative cities such as Houston in Texas is massively outstripping the rate at which more liberal-minded coastal-dwelling urbanites are purging themselves of them.


从句套从句,需要多读几遍才能吃透, demand in conservative cities is massively outstripping the rate( 后面都是对此rate的解释,即东西岸城市人群摒弃该品牌的速度。)
建议内化:inventory skyrocketing/surging
         Outstrip/surpass the rate
Purge of: clean out清洗,清除,也是一个比喻,并不常见,建议作为被动储备。

4.The business of fashion, accessories and especially jewellery is built on the basis, like those of cars and houses, that they are imbued with various life-enhancing qualities.


Be imbued with:高频词组----使充满,eg. The film is imbued with the star’s rebellious spirit.这部电影充满了那位明星的反叛精神。/ He is imbued with patriotism.他充满爱国热忱。

5.By buying into a brand, so the retail culture has it, we buy into a society of similarly-minded sophisticates who share our values and wallet size.


(两处buy into的翻译想了一会儿,最后决定用两个带“买”字的词语。第一处就是比较普通的用法,购买产品;后者,想强调出into“进入” 的意思。)


A sophisticate is someone who knows about culture, fashion, and other matters that are considered socially important.

6.Most brands recognize that their survival depends on partnering with high-street retailers in collaborations that will bounce them into a broader market.


High-street retailers: The term "High Street" is used to describe stores found on a typical high street to differentiate them from more specialised, exclusive and expensive outlets (often independent stores) — for example, "High Street banks" (instead of the less-common private or investment banks) or "High Street shops" (instead of boutiques).高街,指英国(在美国被称为Main Street)城市的主要商业街,商店品牌都比较大众化,都是批量生产的产品。High Street shops高街店和boutique精品店是一组对比,前者基本都是连锁店,而后者则更高端,甚至提供私人定制。


1. Show an intense passion for 对...有(表现出)极大的热情

2. Poor sales 表现不佳的销售额(销售状况不佳)

3. Increased publicity 加大宣传力度(上升的曝光率)

4. Givean unfair advantage over other competitors 较其竞争者有着许多不公的优势/不公平的竞争优势

5. Permanent injunction 永久性的禁令

6. Metropolitan, liberal, latte-drinking snowflakes 城里的、自由的、喝着拿铁的北方/佛罗里达州

都市自由派,喝着拿铁的小资们。Snowflake is used to describe a person perceived as overly sensitive and fragile, often in a mocking way.

7. Sales increased/surged 销售急剧上涨

8. Just as….so is…正如...,...也是这样。

9.pitch themselves at the highest echelons of luxury 把它们自己定位作最高端的奢侈品

10.make them accessible to more ordinary folk 让更多的普通民众能够买得起它/更贴近普通民众

11. accessible price 可接受的价格/亲民的

12. collaboration with/team-up with: 与...合作

13. Expand one’s entry-level offering 扩展其入门级产品(种类)

14. accessible wilderness:两难的处境(个人理解为可以要价高,潜在消费者却买不起。两种定价都是可行的accesible,但都有弊端。)


Day 27 总结



还有一些认识词汇的其它解,比如,我是在有道查到的snowflake 有北方人的意思,看了注释才发现有出入。刚好有个美国的同学在旁边,向他求证了一下,词典上的确实是错的。并且他也说确实在新闻里比较常会用到。我个人比较好奇的还有aspirational的用法,询问后表示是不只在经济学人里面这样用,生活里也可用于形容事物。此外还有品牌定位盲区。

关于内容上本次没有什么特别想提的。但想在这里补充上自己对于topic 7 文章内容的一点看法:


但topic 7这篇文章,除了上次提及的觉得有好几处的承接、逻辑关系让人觉得草率、不明就里外,上次没有说自己对于“中国人没有信仰”一句的看法,想在这里补出。




    本文标题:笃学奖-Topic 8-A13214-甘比精读
