DEC 15

作者: Charlottedy | 来源:发表于2017-12-15 08:49 被阅读0次


As God’s child, live today with the surety, hope,and courage that come from knowing that your standing before God is secure.

You want to be sure. You want to be secure. You want to have hope. You want to live with courage. You don’t want to be weakened by fear, paralyzed by doubt, or filled with the anxiety of wondering what’s next. You want to know that your life means something. You want to know that your labors are worth something. You want to know that you’re not alone. You want to know that you’ll have the resources to face whatever is coming next. You want to have inner peace. You want to have motivation to continue. You don’t want to feel unprepared, weak, or unable. You don’t ever want to think that it’s all been for naught. Yes, you want to stand on the firm oundation of surety, and you will look to something to give it to you. 

The fact of the matter is that in a world where things break, die, get corrupted, or otherwise fade away, surety is found only vertically. If you’re God’s child, your standing before him is sure, and because it is, you have surety in life right here, right now; in death; and in eternity: You have the surety of knowing that you don’t have to hide or playact, because every one of your sins and weaknesses has been covered by Jesus’s blood.

You don’t have to fear that you will not have what it takes, because your Savior gives you all that you need to do what he’s called you to do. You don’t have to worry that you’ll be left alone, because your Savior has made you the place where he dwells. 

You don’t have to live with regret, because all your past sins have been forgiven by his grace.

You don’t have to search for identity, meaning, or purpose, because he has made you his child and called you to his purpose.

You don’t have to worry about the future, because all the mysteries of what is to come are held in his sovereign hands.

You don’t have to fear trouble, difficulty, or suffering, because your Savior uses all these thing for your good and his glory.

You don’t have to hope that your labors are worth something, because the work you do in his name is never in vain.

You don’t have to fear being punished, because your Savior took your punishment and satisfied God’s anger.

Yes, you stand before God sure and secure, and because you do, your life right now is blessed with every kind of security you could ever want.

For further study and encouragement: Ephesians 1


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