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1.egoist n. /ˈeɡəʊɪst/ selfish
egotist n.['i:ɡətɪst] people who consider themselves to be expert in everything
'ego' means 'I' in Latin
ego n.[ˈi:gəʊ]心理学名词,表示自我
egocentric a./ˌeɡəʊˈsentrɪk/ the egocentric people consider themselves to be the center of the universe
egoism n ./ˈeɡəʊɪzəm/自我主义
egomaniac n./ˌeɡəʊˈmeɪniæk/ a person who carries egoism to the extreme
2.altruist n.['æltrʊɪst] the one who love others and try his best to help them
In Latin the word for 'other' is 'alter'
altruism n.利他主义
altruistic n.利他的
alter v.改变
alter ego 专有词组,refers to someone with whom you are so close that you and he do the same things, think alike ,react similarly , and are ,in temperament , almost mirror images of each other
3.introvert n.[ˈɪntrəvɜ:t] 内向之人
extrovert n.[ˈekstrəvɜ:t】外向之人
ambivert n.[æmbɪ'vɜ:t] both introvert and extrovert
ambiguous [æmˈbɪgjuəs] 模棱两可的
4.misanthrope n./ˈmɪsənθrəʊp/厌恶人类者,厌世者
misogynist n.[mɪˈsɒdʒɪnɪst] people who think women are all damn bad
misogamist n.[mɪ'sɒgəmɪst]people who are not willing to marry at all
the Greek stem 'miseo' means 'hate'
'anthoropos' means 'man' in Greek
'gyne' means 'woman' in Greek
'gamos' means 'marriage' in Greek
anthropology n. /ˌænθrəˈpɒlədʒi/ 人类学 the study of the human race
gynecologist n./ˌɡaɪnəˈkɒlədʒɪst/妇科医生
5.ascetic n.[əˈsetɪk]苦行僧,禁欲主义者
'asketes' means 'ascetic' means 'monk' or 'hermit' in greek
Mahatma Gandhi is a perfect example of a believer in asceticism.