
EASY LOVE 被翻译成“简•爱” ,而这个翻译让我第一个想到的就是Charlotte Brontë的小说《简爱》(音译)。虽说是名字音译但中文的两字含义却和小说内容却有着巧妙的内在联系。这个香水品牌估计它来源于英国的一首同名歌曲。easy 的含义有很多,英文解释:
easy adj.
posing no difficulty; requiring little effort
an easy job
an easy problem
an easy victory
the house is easy to heat
satisfied with easy answers
took the easy way out of his dilemma
not hurried or forced
an easy walk around the block
at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace
synonymous: easygoing, leisurely
free from worry or anxiety
knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy
an easy good-natured manner
affording pleasure
easy good looks
having little impact
an easy pat on the shoulder
synonymous: gentle, soft
readily exploited or tricked
an easy victim
an easy mark
in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
easy living
synonymous: comfortable, prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-do
marked by moderate steepness
an easy climb
synonymous: gentle
not strict
an easy teacher
easy standards
an easy penalty
synonymous: lenient
affording comfort
soft light that was easy on the eyes
casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior
her easy virtue

easy, 其主要意思就是:adj. 容易的;舒适的;轻松的;随意的;
adv. 不费力地,从容地;
我们经常听到的:take it easy……;simple and easy; go easy on ……;as easy as pie; easy life ……。
最后一个easy life 被译为“简单生活”,就跟这个品牌的翻译一样。按照中文意义来说,“简单”对应于“复杂”,“容易”对应于“困难”;而“easy”的反义词里却没有“复杂”的含义。它的反义词是“difficult; hard; difficulty ” 而不是“complex; complicated ”。更有趣的是两个字之间还打了一个“•”符号,这个符号主要用于名和姓之间。可见,品牌的外文翻译是不能根据语法规则来的,甚至于严格的外文意义。我的老师在授课的时候就总是说:“品牌,姓名什么的就不要翻译了,没有什么实质性的意义。” 现在看来,所言不差。
GOLD SHARK 一个源于意大利的品牌。最初看到这两个单词拼在一起是一家餐馆,还以为是中式英语呢。结果后来才知道是意大利的服装品牌之一。gold shark 可以翻译为:金色的鲨鱼;也可以意为“金子做的鲨鱼”=“金鲨”。就跟gold earring, diamond necklace 一样。思维方式不一样,含义就不一样。只是不知道Gold Shark 金质的鲨鱼原来还可以吃啊!商家的脑洞真大,我进入了思维误区。
