The this parameter in arrow func

The this parameter in arrow func

作者: 花括弧 | 来源:发表于2018-04-19 18:38 被阅读0次

当我在阅读Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja一书时,在该书的第四章末尾的Exercises中有这样两个问题。

When running the following code, which of the assertions will pass?
function Ninja(){
  this.whoAmI = () => this;
var ninja1 = new Ninja();
var ninja2 = {
  whoAmI: ninja1.whoAmI
assert(ninja1.whoAmI() === ninja1, "ninja1 here?");
assert(ninja2.whoAmI() === ninja2, "ninja2 here?");
Which of the following assertions will pass?
function Ninja(){
  this.whoAmI = function(){
    return this;
var ninja1 = new Ninja();
var ninja2 = {
  whoAmI: ninja1.whoAmI
assert(ninja1.whoAmI() === ninja1, "ninja1 here?");
assert(ninja2.whoAmI() === ninja2, "ninja2 here?");


  • 第一个问题的答案是:ninja1.whoAmI() === ninja1,ninja1.whoAmI() === window
  • 第二个问题的答案是:ninja1.whoAmI() === ninja1,ninja2.whoAmI() === ninja1

对于第一个问题的回答,我不确定。因为书中对于arrow functionthis的解释,我也不是很理解。原文是这样的:arrow functions don’t get their own implicit this parameter when we call them; instead they remember the value of the this parameter at the time they were created. 当我们调用arrow functions时,它们没有自己的隐式的this参数;它们只记得 在创建它们时 this参数的值


The bind method is available to all functions, and is designed to 
create and return a new function that’s bound to the passed-in 
object (in this case, the button object). The value of the this 
parameter is always set to that object, regardless of the way the 
bound function was invoked. Apart from that, the bound function 
behaves like the originating function, because it has the same code 
in its body.

所有的`function`都有`bind method`这个方法,该方法创建并返回
除此以外,`新的function`在行为上 和原来的函数类似,
因为`新的function`和原来的函数`function body`有着同样的代码。

所以我对上面的代码加了一些assert,并运行它。因为把问题1和问题2的测试都放在一起了,所以对问题2的代码做了些改动 以便测试。

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Using arrow functions to work around callback function contexts</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <script src="../assert.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../assert.css">
    function Ninja(){
      this.whoAmI = () => this;

    var ninja1 = new Ninja();
    var ninja2 = {
      whoAmI: ninja1.whoAmI
    assert(ninja1.whoAmI() === ninja1, "ninja1.whoAmI() === ninja1");
    assert(ninja2.whoAmI() === ninja2, "ninja2.whoAmI() === ninja2");

    assert(ninja2.whoAmI() === window, "ninja2.whoAmI() === window");
    assert(ninja2.whoAmI() === ninja1, "ninja2.whoAmI() === ninja1");

    assert(ninja1.whoAmI === ninja2.whoAmI, "ninja1.whoAmI === ninja2.whoAmI");

    function Person(){
      this.whoAmI = function(){
        return this;

    var p1 = new Person();
    var p2 = {
      whoAmI: p1.whoAmI

    assert(p1.whoAmI() === p1, "p1.whoAmI() === p1");
    assert(p2.whoAmI() === p2, "p2.whoAmI() === p2");

    assert(p2.whoAmI() === window, "p2.whoAmI() === window");
    assert(p2.whoAmI() === p1, "p2.whoAmI() === p1");

    assert(p1.whoAmI === p2.whoAmI, "p1.whoAmI === p2.whoAmI");



Screen Shot 2018-04-19 at 6.04.33 PM.png
  • 根据运行结果的第五行和第十行,可以看出ninja1.whoAmIninja2.whoAmI是同一个函数。
  • ninja2.whoAmI() === ninja1这个结果在问题2中不显得那么奇怪,因为书中的话 已经解释的相当清楚了。
  • 但是ninja2.whoAmI() === ninja1这个结果在问题1中是显得有点奇怪的,因为 它和我预期的ninja2.whoAmI() === window 不一样。

所以我就搜了下,Stack Overflow中有类似的 但不完全一样的问题,但是其中的一些回答也适用于我的问题。
Arrow functions bind their this when they are created do not have this, arguments or other special names bound at all - when the object is being created the name thisis found in the enclosing scope.
Arrow functions没有this arguments这些参数。当Arrow functions被创建时,this参数是在enclosing scope中被找到的。


function Ninja(){
      this.whoAmI = () => this;

can be translated into a vague approximation of the arrow syntax in ES5:

function Ninja(){
  this.whoAmI = function(){
    return this;

在问题1中的结果ninja2.whoAmI() === ninja1也就得到了解释。

所以说,书中的话并不是那么的准确:arrow functions don’t get their own implicit this parameter when we call them; instead they remember the value of the this parameter at the time they were created. 换个更准确的说法,就应该是:Arrow functions bind their this when they are created do not have this, arguments or other special names bound at all - when the object is being created the name thisis found in the enclosing scope.
尽管解决了一些我的疑问,但是 我还是不清楚: 即,函数是何时被创建的。

编译时 对所有代码进行逐行检测 。检测到所有的var(var当然也包括函数的定义,但是不包括赋值表达式右侧的函数定义),并分配存储空间。 注意是先编译后执行,编译时为所有的变量的定义 分配好存储空间(函数的定义也视作var声明,因此函数的定义 也被分配了存储空间),要区分compilation phase和execution phase。并且编译也不是一次性完成的,每当遇到要执行的函数时,会对要执行的函数进行编译(大概 函数就是在此时被创建的吧?)。因此编译和执行时交叉进行的。




      本文标题:The this parameter in arrow func
